Thursday, January 31, 2013

Think that massage feels good? Try adding drugs

YOU don't need us to tell you that certain types of touch - massage and stroking - can be pleasurable. Nerves dedicated to creating these feelings have been identified and artificially stimulated in mice, leading to hope that the work could aid the development of drugs that relieve pain or stress.

Some nerves rapidly transmit sensations of touch or pain to the brain, but others work much more slowly. These C-tactile fibres, as they are known in humans, are found under hairy skin and respond to stroking.

David Anderson at the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena and colleagues used calcium imaging to identify similar bundles of nerves in mice.

When the mice were in a special chamber, the team injected them with a chemical that activated these nerves. Afterwards, the mice visited the chamber almost twice as often as they had before, suggesting that they enjoyed the experience and wanted more (Nature, DOI: 10.1038/nature11810).

A drug that evokes a similar response in humans could boost the beneficial effects of skin-to-skin contact such as massage in rehabilitation or for psychiatric conditions, says Johan Wessberg at the University of Gothenburg in Sweden.

Interactions involving stroking are common among many mammals, particularly in nurturing, and removing this contact can impair development. "For the first time we are getting a neurological basis for these phenomena," says Francis McGlone at Liverpool John Moores University in the UK.

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Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Sullivan releases endorsements for District 17 GOP run-off

The legislators backing Sullivan in the release are:

  • Rep. Eric Bedingfield - Greenville Co.?????????

  • Rep. Bill Chumley - Greenville & Spartanburg Co.??

  • Rep. Tommy Stringer - Greenville Co.??????????

  • Sen. Lee Bright - Greenville & ?Spartanburg Co.

  • Sen. Kevin Bryant - Anderson Co.

  • Sen. Danny Verdin - Greenville & ?Laurens Co.


The release (way too long for a professionally-written release) is published below:


Leaders say Sullivan?s record of fighting for
conservative Republican agenda makes him the best choice.?

A group of six Upstate Legislators announced today their endorsement of Chris Sullivan as the best choice in the special election for State House District 17.

The six Legislators, all Republicans, include three members of the Senate?s William Wallace Caucus and all of whom are acknowledged for their leadership on conservative issues. The group includes Representatives Eric Bedingfield, Tommy Stringer, and Bill Chumley; and Senators Danny Verdin, Kevin Bryant, and Lee Bright. All are members of the Greenville Legislative Delegation with the exception of Sen. Bryant who represents Anderson.

The group jointly issued the following statement:

We are honored to endorse Chris Sullivan for SC House District 17.

As reform-minded conservative legislators, we understand that we face perilous times in our state and in our country. Now, more than ever, we must have legislators in Columbia who not only understand the issues but have the skill to guide legislation into law, starting on their first day in office. Chris has the skills to quickly bring intelligent conservative reform to Columbia.

A candidate who merely states that he is pro-gun, pro-life or fiscally responsible without offering concrete proof is not sufficient. Voters deserve more than unsubstantiated promises.

Chris has promoted conservative reforms over many years, we know that he can deliver what he has promised.

We know that Chris will defend the unborn because he has actively Pro-life legislation for years. He has given us strategic advice as we advanced the pro-life agenda.

His consistent support of life has earned him endorsements from highly-regarded pro-life activists such as Dr. Oran Smith from Palmetto Family Council and Lenna Neill who directs the Piedmont Women?s Center, a crisis pregnancy counseling center in Taylors. His commitment to this issue has earned him a ?100%? rating from the South Carolina Citizens for Life.

We know that Chris will defend our 2nd Amendment rights because he understands the complex strategy that liberals will use to try to take our guns. He rejects the notion that the 2nd Amendment only protects hunters. Chris believes, as Thomas Jefferson did, that guns are necessary to protect ourselves from tyranny.

His commitment to protect our gun rights has earned him an ?A? rating from the NRA.

We know that Chris will defend our 10th Amendment rights ? not just against Obamacare but against the increases in Federal funding that has slowly taken away South Carolina?s independence. He understands that the amount of Federal funds flowing through state agencies is greater than South Carolina?s entire General Fund. He realizes that a third of these Federal funds is borrowed and contributes to our escalating national debt. He will work to reduce and end our dependence upon these funds.

We know that Chris will defend the needs of small business, because he has worked in small businesses his entire career. For many years he worked in his family?s retail jewelry store in Greenville before forming his own public relations and consulting business. He understands that small business remains our best hope to create jobs and move our economy forward.

South Carolina desperately needs reform in our tax structure, in our government and in our educational system. Chris understands that an effective legislator must be able to address all of these issues. We are confident that he can.

That?s why we strongly endorse Chris Sullivan for SC House district 17

Having run a positive issues-oriented campaign, we also know that he has earned the endorsement of fellow candidate Roy Harmon.

We know that Chris has outwardly demonstrated his inward Christian integrity through his involvement with Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, Brushy Creek Baptist Church and the the travelers Rest Camp of Gideons International.

We are taught that a man is known by the company that he keeps. Chris believes the same conservative principles that we believe. For these reasons, we stand with Chris Sullivan for SC House district 17 as we are all committed to protecting and improving South Carolina.


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Smog thick enough to cancel flights hits Beijing

BEIJING (AP) ? Thick, off-the-scale smog shrouded eastern China for the second time in about two weeks Tuesday, forcing airlines to cancel flights because of poor visibility and prompting Beijing to temporarily shut factories and curtail fleets of government cars.

The capital was a colorless scene. Street lamps and the outlines of buildings receded into a white haze as pedestrians donned face masks to guard against the caustic air. The flight cancellations stranded passengers during the first week of the country's peak, six-week period for travel surrounding the Chinese New Year on Feb. 10.

The U.S. Embassy reported an hourly peak level of PM2.5 ? tiny particulate matter that can penetrate deep into the lungs ? at 526 micrograms per cubic meter, or "beyond index," and more than 20 times higher than World Health Organization safety levels over a 24-hour period.

Liu Peng, an employee at a financial institution in Beijing, said he will keep his newborn baby indoors.

"It's really bad for your health, obviously," Liu said. "I bike to work every day and always wear a mask. The pollution in recent years is probably due to the increase in private cars and government cars."

Visibility was less than 100 meters (100 yards) in some areas of eastern China, the official Xinhua News Agency reported. More than 100 flights were canceled in the eastern city of Zhengzhou, 33 in Beijing, 20 in Qingdao and 13 in Jinan.

Every year, China's transport system bursts at the seams as tens of millions of people travel for the Lunar New Year holiday, in the world's largest seasonal migration of people.

Ren Haiqiang, a bank worker in his early 30s, said he had booked tickets to fly out of Beijing on Thursday to visit family in the coastal city of Dalian, but now worried about flight cancellations.

"Traveling over the holiday is already a huge hassle, along with all the gift-giving and family visits. We thought flying would be the best way to avoid the crush, but if the weather continues like this we'll be in real trouble," Ren said as he waited in line at a bakery in downtown Beijing.

Beijing's city government ordered 103 heavily polluting factories to suspend production and told government departments and state-owned enterprises to reduce their use of cars by a third, Xinhua said. The measures last until Thursday.

Beijing's official readings for PM2.5 were lower than the embassy's ? 433 micrograms per cubic meter at one point in the afternoon? but even that level is considered "severe" and prompted the city government to advise residents to stay indoors as much as possible. The government said that because there was no wind, the smog probably would not dissipate quickly.

Patients seeking treatment for respiratory ailments rose by about 30 percent over the past month at the Jiangong Hospital in downtown Beijing, Emergency Department chief Cui Qifeng said.

"People tend to catch colds or suffer from lung infections during the days with heavily polluted air," he said.

Air pollution has long been a problem in Beijing, but the country has been more open about releasing statistics on PM2.5 ? considered a more accurate reflection of air quality than other pollutants ? only since early last year. The city hit its highest readings on Jan. 12, when U.S. Embassy readings of PM2.5 reached as high as 886 micrograms per cubic meter.

Celebrity real estate developer Pan Shiyi, who has previously pushed for cities to publish more detailed air quality data and who is a delegate to Beijing's legislature, called Tuesday morning for a "Clean Air Act." By late afternoon, his online poll had received more than 29,000 votes, with 99 percent in favor.

On Monday, Wang Anshun was elected Beijing's mayor after telling lawmakers the municipal government should make more efforts to fight air pollution, according to Xinhua.

Last week, he announced plans to remove 180,000 older vehicles from the city's roads and promote government cars and heating systems that use clean energy.


Associated Press writer Christopher Bodeen and researcher Flora Ji contributed to this report.


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Berries may be healthful, but some health benefits of berries may not make it past your mouth

Jan. 28, 2013 ? Research has suggested that compounds that give colorful fruits their rich hues, especially berries, promote health and might even prevent cancer. But for the first time, scientists have exposed extracts from numerous berries high in those pigments to human saliva to see just what kinds of health-promoting substances are likely to survive and be produced in the mouth.

It's too early to name the best berry for health promotion based on this initial work. But the researchers have discovered that two families of pigments that provide berries with their colors, called anthocyanins, are more susceptible to degradation in the mouth than are the other four classes of these pigments.

The Ohio State University study also showed that bacteria living in the mouth are responsible for most of the breakdown of these compounds that occurs in saliva. Researchers are investigating whether it's the berry pigments themselves, or instead the products of their degradation, that actually promote health.

Scientists say that these early findings will contribute to the further development of confectionaries, gums and other delivery devices for the prevention and possibly the treatment of conditions such as periodontal disease and oral cancers.

The researchers exposed extracts of anthocyanin pigments from blueberries, chokeberries, black raspberries, red grapes and strawberries to the saliva collected from 14 people. Black raspberries, in particular, have been shown in numerous previous studies to have chemopreventive effects on tumors in the mouth, esophagus and colon, mostly in animal studies. Their high anthocyanin content has been linked to those benefits.

"All fruits are unique because their chemical composition, or fingerprint, varies," said Mark Failla, professor of human nutrition at Ohio State and interim chair of the Department of Human Sciences. "There are many different edible berries. Some might be better for providing health-promoting effects within the oral cavity, whereas others may be more beneficial for colonic health. We simply do not know at this time.

"Increased intake of fruits and vegetables is associated with decreased risk of some chronic diseases. An understanding of the metabolism of these compounds, and the relative activities of the compounds in the consumed fruit and their metabolic products, is needed to make scientifically sound dietary recommendations and to develop effective delivery vehicles for the mouth," Failla said.

The research is published in a recent issue of the journal Food Chemistry.

Failla and colleagues asked 14 healthy individuals between the ages of 21 and 55 years to collect saliva in the morning before they had eaten breakfast or brushed their teeth. Research participants later collected additional saliva samples before and after they had rinsed their mouths with an antibacterial liquid.

The five fruits selected for study allowed the scientists to test the six distinct families of the anthocyanin pigments. Researchers purified the anthocyanins from each berry type and added the extracts to saliva.

The extent of the pigment degradation in saliva was primarily a function of the chemical structure of a given anthocyanin, said Failla, also an investigator in Ohio State's Comprehensive Cancer Center and Food Innovation Center.

Two families of anthocyanins consistently degraded when exposed to saliva: delphinidin and petunidin. Four other families were more stable: cyanidin, pelargonidin, peonidin and malvidin.

"Our observations suggest that the bacteria within one's oral cavity are a primary mediator of pigment metabolism. The bacteria are converting compounds that are present in the foods into metabolites," Failla said. "One area of great interest is whether the health-promoting benefits associated with eating anthocyanin-rich fruits like berries are provided by the pigment itself, the natural combinations of the pigments in the fruit, or the metabolites produced by bacteria in the mouth and other regions of the gastrointestinal tract."

There is context for this study that further complicates the understanding of anthocyanins' benefits. Multiple studies have led to the conclusion that anthocyanins themselves are very poorly absorbed by the body.

"If anthocyanins are the actual health-promoting compound, you would want to design food products, confectionaries and gels containing mixtures of anthocyanins that are stable in the mouth. If, on the other hand, the metabolites produced by the metabolism of anthocyanins are the actual health-promoting compounds, there will be greater interest in fruits that contain anthocyanins that are less stable in the oral cavity," Failla said. "We lack such insights at this time."

The extent to which the anthocyanins were degraded varied among the 14 people whose saliva was used in the study. However, two families of anthocyanins consistently degraded the most in all volunteers. Failla said the observed variation among individuals is likely related to differences in the microbial community that resides in each person's mouth.

This research group is continuing the work, examining which bacteria are most involved in the metabolism of anthocyanins and testing the stability of the pigments in berry juices in the mouths of human volunteers rather than in test tubes containing their saliva.

This work was supported in part by the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center.

Co-authors include Kom Kamonpatana of the Interdisciplinary Ph.D. Program in Nutrition; Monica Giusti and Ken Riedl of the Department of Food Science and Technology; Chureeporn Chitchumroonchokchai of the Department of Human Nutrition; and Maria MorenoCruz and Purnima Kumar of the Department of Periodontology, all at Ohio State. All but MorenoCruz are also investigators in the Food Innovation Center.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Ohio State University. The original article was written by Emily Caldwell.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Kom Kamonpatana, M. M?nica Giusti, Chureeporn Chitchumroonchokchai, Maria MorenoCruz, Ken M. Riedl, Purnima Kumar, Mark L. Failla. Susceptibility of anthocyanins to ex vivo degradation in human saliva. Food Chemistry, 2012; 135 (2): 738 DOI: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2012.04.110

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Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Exclusive 'Kick-Ass 2' Preview: A Family Affair

MTV News was on the set of 'Kick-Ass 2,' and here's all we're allowed to say about it — for now!
By Josh Wigler

Jim Carrey and Aaron Taylor-Johnson in "Kick-Ass 2"
Photo: Universal Pictures


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MANURE MODELS | Weekly World News

?Ladies of Manure? is a calendar with typical calendar girls except for one thing. They are covered poop.

?Ladies of Manure? is a calendar with typical calendar girls except for one thing. They are covered poop.

This calendar is meant to encourage urbanites to start composting their waste ? veggie peels, fruit rinds and even feces (animal and human) ? into fertile, black soil.

Month by month, scantily clad women pose in and around piles of poop to highlight the benefits of composting in a calendar being sold to benefit the Fertile Earth Foundation.


Ms. April is a smiling blonde with slender legs that end in three-inch heels.

A typical calendar girl, except for one thing: She is covered in poop.

Fish poop, to be exact.

?The whole point of this is to make it less disgusting. If this hot chick doesn?t mind smearing fish poop all over her, maybe it?s not that bad,? said Lanette Sobel, who started the Fertile Earth Foundation, the South Beach-based nonprofit organization behind the calendar. ?It?s a resource; it?s not waste.?

Sobel, 34, dreamed up the project to get other people to think about organic waste as much as she does.


The result is a pictorial calendar that?s meant to encourage urbanites to start composting their waste ? veggie peels, fruit rinds and even feces (animal and human) ? into fertile, black soil.

For $25 online ? or a $20 donation at a fundraiser Friday at Cafeina Wynwood Lounge ? you can own a 12-month calendar that features the semi-naked manure babes.

The pictorials are equal parts bombshell glam and bathroom humor.


In the calendar, a long-haired brunette poses on a commode with pink lace panties stretched across her booted ankles. Another lies on grass, cupping her breasts while worms crawl through a patch of inky dirt piled over her nether regions. Still another crouches near a banana tree, her outstretched arms covering her bare chest as she lifts rotting fruit peels.

Each photo is accompanied by a brief biography of the featured girl. All of the models were chosen because of their work on environmental issues.

Fertile Earth is funded mostly through its worm sales, with a few out-of-the ordinary fundraisers ? like the poop calendar. The group?s last fundraiser was a cook-off to bring attention to invasive, non-native species in South Florida. The winning dish consisted of python chili, wild boar sliders and snakehead fish slaw.









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Monday, January 28, 2013

Have degree, driving cab: Nearly half of college grads are overqualified

New study finds that 48 percent of college graduates are in jobs that do not require a college degree, fueling consumer doubts over whether a college education is worth the cost.

By Mark Trumbull,?Staff writer / January 28, 2013

Martina Ryberg (r.) of Plymouth State University talks with Tara Rossetti of On Call International during a job fair for college students in Manchester, N.H., last year. Many college grads are entering jobs for which they are overqualified.

Jim Cole/AP/File


Here?s a new data nugget in a high-stakes debate over the state of working America: A new study finds that about half of all workers with a college degree are overqualified for their current jobs.

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Some 48 percent of the degree holders, to be precise, are in positions that the US Labor Department classifies as requiring less than a four-year college education.

This finding, released by the Center for College Affordability and Productivity, a research group in Washington, underscores growing public concerns about the availability of good jobs and the value of college education.

?In the three occupations ?retail sales person,? ?cashier,? and ?waiters and waitresses? there are more than 1.7 million college graduates employed,? says the study, by researchers Richard Vedder, Christopher Denhart, and Jonathan Robe.

Today, 15 percent of US taxi drivers have a college degree, up from fewer than 1 percent in 1970.

The study arrives at a time when news articles asking, ?Is college worth it?? have become commonplace.

But, although the new report suggests the answer often is ?no,? this is a complicated issue, with other scholars defending the idea that expanding higher education will benefit individuals and the economy.

For instance, for people focused on their own financial well-being, it?s worth noting that a college degree tends to result in both higher pay and lower unemployment. The jobless rate is currently 3.9 percent for workers with a college degree or higher, versus 8 percent for high-school grads and 11.7 percent for people without a high school diploma.

Plenty of economists defend the goal of bringing higher education to a larger share of the work force, arguing that it?s the best way for the US to maintain prosperity in an era of stronger global competition for good-paying jobs.

Both sides in this debate may be contributing important grains of truth.

Lots of people are overqualified for the jobs they hold, and this is a challenge that emerged before the deep recession?in 2007-09, which created a particularly challenging job market for new college grads.

At the same time, the story of economic progress is one of continuous development of new tools and the skills to use them ? and good jobs will flow to nations that can keep pushing further down this path. And millions of individuals have the means to educate themselves, and hope to be useful in jobs that match their talents and aspirations.

The Center for College Affordability and Productivity (CCAP), in its report, emphasizes the risks of pushing too much education on too many people, with too little thought about its usefulness.


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Valentine's Day 2013 - The Complete List to Solve Your Romantic ...

This is it, my roundup of Portland restaurant Valentine?s Day events! So big it gave me a backache! I will update the list daily, so check back if you are still looking for an event. Additions? Changes? Click here?to?add/change your event. Specials from stores/vendors are at the bottom of this list.

  • Details: Love is in the air at 23Hoyt. Chef Amber will be cooking a special three course dinner. The cost will be $50 a person.
  • Address: 23 Hoyt Street, Portland OR. 97209 Map
  • Reservations: (503)445-7400



wine-130px2nd Story

  • Details:?Valentine?s Menu: 3 course dinner, bubbles, wine and dessert wine? $40 per person. Specials for the night include Baked Oysters w/ Gruyere Mornay and spinach, and for dessert chocolate cheesecake with cherry compote and candied pecans.
  • Address:?2005 SE 11th Ave,?Portland?Oregon?97214 Map
  • Reservations: call (503)741-9693



  • Details:?Make your reservations at Acadia soon for your Valentine?s? Day dinner! Acadia is a great choice for a romantic candle lit dinner, and Chef Adam pulls out all the stops for this once a year event! We will be featuring a five course dinner for $65 per person.?Check out the full Valentines Menu Here.
  • Address: 1303 NE Fremont St., Portland Oregon 97212 Map
  • Reservations: (503)249-5001

Altitude resortAltitude at the Resort at the Mountain

  • Details:?Plan the perfect Valentine?s Day dinner at Altitude. The dining room will be filled with romance as couples indulge in a specially created Valentine?s Day a la carte menu. Executive Chef Ben Kolibaba has prepared a three-course meal featuring delectable starters, entrees and desserts for lovebirds to enjoy. The Valentine?s Day menu has a selection of starters such as crab bisque or oysters with smoked bacon. The entr?e course includes an option of beef tenderloin with fig molasses, chicken confit with caramelized fennel risotto, mushroom ravioli and more. Complete the romantic meal with dessert choices ranging from raspberry crepes to a chocolate fondue for two.
  • Address: 68010 East Fairway Avenue, Welches (Mt. Hood), OR 97067 Map
  • Reservations: (503)622-2214

Andina thumnailAndina

  • Details:?Andina celebrates Dia De Los Enamorados with a special wine dinner including a three-course prix fixe menu on Thursday, February 14, which allows guests to choose their Peruvian tapas, entr?e and dessert from a large selection of the regular menu. The dinner includes a half bottle of premium Champagne or sparkling wine (with red wine options) per person. Prices begin at $85 and depend on choice of wine. Seatings are available from 5 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. Toshi Onizuka will perform live from 6 until 10 p.m. in the bar and restaurant and Danny Romero will perform upstairs in the Tupai event space from 7 until 10 p.m.
  • Address:?1314 NW Glisan St. ,?Portland?Oregon?97209 Map
  • Reservations: call (503)228-9535

Aquariva Portland thumbAquariva

  • Details: Romantic riverside dining brings your love to life! Dinner seatings from 5-10pm, offering a four-course prix fixe dinne menu for only $60 per person plus gratuity.
  • Address: 04070 SW Hamilton Court, Portland Oregon 97239 Map
  • Reservations: (503)802-5850



  • Details:?This Valentine?s Day, the team at Aviary is preparing a special prix fixe menu for $65 per person. The Valentine?s Day menu will allow guests to curate a 4 course dinner from dishes including Sunchoke soup with Meyer lemon, Oregon truffles and black olive brittle; Citrus cured sturgeon, Asian pear, watercress, & American caviar; Warm cauliflower terrine, olives, green apple & salted duck egg; Ginger caramel pork belly, turnip puree, & mustard greens; Arctic char, fennel, smoked yellowfoot mushrooms, & blood orange; Roast lamb leg, artichoke, vadouvan chutney, & pimenton; Chanterelle capeletti, quince, Oregon truffles, herb broth; and dessert choices including Chocolate torte, sesame bananas, bourbon ice cream, florentine; and Meyer lemon bread pudding, pistachios, & pomegranate. Reservations are recommended.
  • Address:?1733 NE Alberta,?Portland?Oregon?97211 Map
  • Reservations: call (503)287-2400

Bar AvignonBar Avignon

  • Details:?Bar Avignon will serve a prix fixe Valentine?s Day menu for $50 per person featuring House Cured Steelhead Gravlax & Lemon Goat Cheese with Citrus, Fennel, Capers, Spelt Toast; Glazed Painted Hills Shortrib with Chestnuts, Apple, Beets, Mustard Greens, Parsnip Puree and a dessert of Chocolate Mud Pie and Hazelnut Chocolate Truffles. Wine pairings for each course will also available to order.
  • Address:?2138 SE Division St,?Portland?Oregon?97202 Map
  • Reservations: call (503)517-0808



  • Details: we will be celebrating Valentine?s Day with a special 5 course meal with wine pairing. There will be two seatings at 6pm and 8:45pm. The cost will be $125 per person for the meal and wine pairing. Valentine?s Vegetarian Dinner Tuesday, February 12 we will be having a special Valentine?s Vegetarian Dinner. There will be two seatings at 6pm and 8:45pm. The cost will be $125 per person for the meal and wine pairing.
  • Address:?5425 NE 30th Avenue Portland, Oregon 97211 Map
  • Reservations: (503)841-6968

The Bent Brick PortlandThe Bent Brick

  • Details:?Starting February, Chef Scott Dolich is back in The Bent Brick kitchen full time with a new menu and atmosphere. Their re-opening party on Feb. 13th is an excellent pre-Valentine?s Day event for the whole family, with all proceeds from the donation-based picnic stye party going to support local Portland schools. The Bent Brick is a great spot to bring the kids, bring a date, or just grab drinks with friends this Valentine?s Day.
  • Address:?1639 NW Marshall,?Portland?Oregon?97209 Map
  • Reservations: call (503)688-1655


  • Details:?On the most romantic day of the year, sometimes all you really want is a quiet, candlelit table, a great local cocktail, and an intimate dining experience at your favorite neighborhood spot. Besaw?s is looking forward to making Valentine?s Day a special evening for you and your favorite date, with a menu including fresh oysters on the half-shell, seafood risotto, Beef Wellington, a decadent chocolate torte with chocolate mousse, and bubbles infused with strawberries from the Besaw?s garden. Reservations are recommended.
  • Address:?2301 NW Savier St. ,?Portland?Oregon?97210 Map
  • Reservations: call (503)228-2619

Camellia lounge portlandCamellia Lounge

  • Details: Swing on over to the Camellia Lounge in the heart of the Pearl District on February 14th to hear the romantic strains of Tom Grant on piano, and the beautiful sultry vocals of Shelly Rudolph. The music starts at 8pm and while you whisper sweet nothings to the amorous beat, you?ll imbibe in a glass of bubbly, and indulge i n one of our Valentine?s Day dessert options.We?ll also be serving amorous cocktails such as, ?Be My Number One Fun?, with black currant black tea vodka, plum berry white tea vodka and hibiscus, or pour one of our fine beer and wine selections.? We?ll lay on the sensory delights with alluring sweets to share with your sweetie
  • Address: 510 NW 11th Ave., Portland Oregon 97209 Map
  • Reservations: (503)221-2130

Clarke's Crab SaladClarke?s Restaurant?

  • Details:?Three-course pri fixe dinner featuring various appetizers, Rack of Pork, New York Strip Steak, or Petrale Sole entrees plus a duo of luscious desserts. Valentine-themed cocktail list, intimate setting in Lake Oswego. $47-52 each for food. Open seating from 5-8 pm, reservations highly recommended.
  • Address:?455 2nd St.,?Lake Oswego?Oregon?97034 Map
  • Reservations: call (503)636-2667

coppia thumb
Coppia Restaurant & Wine Bar

  • Details: Special 4-Course Wine and Food Pairing Menu. Our biggest passion is finding perfect pairings of wine and food, and our inspiration is Piedmont, Italy. Please join us for a four-course dinner, with vegetarian, gluten-free and non-vegetarian choices with each course. Feel free to call or email for specific course options for our Valentine?s dinner. $58 food, $22 wines.
  • Address: 417 N.W. 10th Ave, Portland Oregon 97209 Map
  • Reservations: call (503)295-9536, or go to

Country Cat ThumbThe Country Cat

  • Details:?The Country Cat is a favorite neighborhood spot where your whole family always feels taken care of, and Valentine?s Day, a day to celebrate our loved ones, you?ll get that and more. On February 14th, the Country Cat will be serving their standard menu with some special additions from Chef Adam Sappington and desserts from Chef Jackie Sappington.
  • Address:?7937 Southeast Stark St.,?Portland?Oregon?97215 Map
  • Reservations: call (503)408-1414

Departure ThumbDeparture

  • Details:?Eat. Drink. Love. with Departure?s India-inspired Valentine?s Day menu from Chef Gregory Gourdet. Served family style at $60 per person, the menu will feature exotic flavors of India like Coconut Curry Mussels with Charred Onion Naan; Seafood Masala with Scallop, Dungeness Crab, Shrimp, Cod, Garam Masala, Ginger & Green Chilies; Tandoori Chicken with Tandoori Masala, Yogurt, Garlic, Ginger & Lemon; and Pork Vindaloo with Black Pepper, Mustard Seed & Cinnamon. Dessert offerings include Crispy Dumplings in Saffron-Rose Syrup and Toasted Rice Kulfi with Pistachio & Winter Fruit Mango Coconut Cardamon Lassi. The special menu will be available February 14th-17th in addition to a limited bar menu on the 14th and their traditional menu the 15th-17th.
  • Address:?525 SW Morrison St, 15th Floor,?Portland?Oregon?97204 Map
  • Reservations: call (503)802-5370

DOC RestaurantDOC

  • Details: DOC is offering a 5 course Valentine?s Day meal for $80, with wine parings available for an additional $45.
  • Address: 5519 NE 30th Ave., Portland Oregon 97211 Map
  • Reservations: (503)946-8592


East India CompanyEast India Co. Grill & Bar

  • Details: ?Bring your date for an evening of romance!?$65 per couple: 4 course dinner, Appetizers, Kebabs, Choice of Chicken, Vegetarian, Vegan entree, with hand rolled Tandoor baked Breads, Rice, Side of Vegetable and Dessert. Menu online. Please call if you have any questions.
  • Address:?821 SW 11th Ave.,?Portland?Oregon?97035 Map
  • Reservations: call (503)227-8815, or go to?

2nd story portlandThe Fishwife

  • Details:? Join The Fishwife this St. Valentines Day for a Sweethearts dinner dedicated to seafood!
  • Address:?5328 N. Lombard St.,?Portland?Oregon?97204 Map
  • Reservations: call?(503)285-7150


Fratelli PortlandFratelli

  • Details:?1st: Grilled asparagus, olio nuovo, egg, house-made ricotta,?2nd: Sicilian pesto, pancetta wrapped shrimp, Castelvetrano olives,?3rd: Pan seared grouper, roasted fennel, Meyer lemon, Sambucca?or Twice-cooked NY steak, wild mushroom orzo, truffle oil?or Semolina gnocchi, balsamic pearl onions, tomato, Grana Padano.?Dessert: Three chocolate terrine.?Cost $45 per.
  • Address:?1230 NW Hoyt St.,?Portland?Oregon?97209 Map
  • Reservations: call (503)241-8800


  • Details:?Regularly voted one of Portland?s most romantic restaurants, Genoa is the ideal date night spot on or around Valentine?s Day. Genoa will be serving their set February menu which also has some lovely vegetarian and pescatarian items to choose from. Make the night extra special by adding wine pairings, masterfully matched to each dish by Sommelier Michael Garofola.
  • Address:?2832 SE Belmont St,?Portland?Oregon?97214 Map
  • Reservations: call (503)238-1464

gilt-club-thumbGilt Club

  • Details:?This year, we?ve made the menu ala carte for those who don?t want to commit to the whole menu, so if your plan is either to stop in for a quick nosh before a show, or spend the night with us for a nice long meal, we can accomodate. And don?t forget ? if you want to make the evening extra special, we can do that too. In the past we?ve done everything from ensuring the perfect bottle of bubbly is waiting at the table to orchestrating the most romantic surprise proposals.
  • Address:?306 NW Broadway,?Portland?Oregon?97209 Map
  • Reservations: call (503)222-4458, or go to?

H50 PortlandH50 Bistro

  • Details:?Diners may enjoy customary H5O breakfast, lunch menus and service as well as bar all day menu and service. However the dining room on Valentine?s evening will be filled with couples delighting in a decadent four-course prix fixe dinner menu ? for only $75 per person, exclusive of gratuity. Diners will complement their meal with wines from H5O?s extensive wine list.
  • Address:?50 Southwest Morrison, Portland, Oregon 97204 Map
  • Reservations:?Make your reservations online or call (503)484-1415.

heathman-thumbThe Heathman

  • Details:?Join us for the 5th year of Dinner and a Movie at the Heathman Restaurant & Bar.?This year we are featuring a 5-course tasting menu created by Executive Chef Michael Stanton.?Guests will have a no host bar available at 6pm with the movie starting promptly at 630pm, dinner service to follow.?Movie is ?No Reservations? ? Catherine Zeta Jones, Aaron Eckhart.?Seatings are at intimate tables for two, only 42 seats available.?$75 per person, no age restrictions.?Gratuity not included.?Tableside wine and cocktail service available.
  • Address:?1001 SW Broadway, Portland, Oregon 97205 Map
  • Reservations: call?the Restaurant direct, (503)790-7752.


  • Details:?On February 14th, Imperial will be running their regular dinner menu with a couple of romantic specials added. For couples on double dates ? or groups of 4 or more ? Imperial will serve a bottle of prosecco or sparkling apple cider for the table!
  • Address:?410 SW Broadway,?Portland?Oregon?97205 Map
  • Reservations: call (503)228-7222


Irving Street Kitchen PortlandIrving Street Kitchen

  • Details: Under Cupid?s spell? Nothing says I Love You like Butterscotch pudding. Join us for Valentine?s Day dinner with the one you love!
  • Address: 701 NW 13th Ave, Portland Oregon 97209 Map
  • Reservations: Online


Jamison RestaurantJamison

  • Details:?Valentine?s Day Menu is here. Enjoy a specially prepared 3 course menu for $50. You can see our full menu here.
  • Address: 900 NW 11th Street, Portland Oregon 97209 Map
  • Reservations: (503)972-3330



Jo Bar & Rotisserie?

  • Details:?This Valentine?s Day, Chef Elmer Santos will be creating a special dinner menu featuring some of your favorite Jo Bar food, as well as special entrees to celebrate love. Roast suckling pig from our rotisserie, beef tenderloin with a foie gras demi-glace, rack of lamb and sea scallops are some of the featured entrees. Valentine?s Day is also the perfect time to explore our select wine list, including our top-notch Oregon Pinot Noirs.?See our Facebook page ( for menu details, and call us at 503-222-0048 to make a reservation.
  • Address:?715 NW 23rd Avenue,?Portland?Oregon?97210 Map
  • Reservations: call (503)222-0048

Kenny and Zuke's PortlandKenny & Zukes

  • Details:?Kenny & Zuke?s honors the season of love with Valentine?s Day inspired desserts and cocktails. Decadent heart shaped sandwich cookies or the red velvet cheese cake are made to share, or grab two straws and enjoy a Governess Crush, Vieux Carr? or the rich NY Flip cocktail with that special someone. February 12th-17th, desserts will be available at the Kenny & Zuke?s Deli Bar and downtown Deli, while cocktails will be served at the Deli Bar.
  • Address:?1038 SW Stark St., Portland Oregon 97204 Map
  • Reservations: call (503)222-3354

Lapellah Vancouver WALapella (Vancouver)

  • Last year, we were voted best date restaurant by the Columbian? Reader?s Choice poll. This Valentine?s Day, come in and experience why! We?ll be posting our special menu for the evening next week.?Reservations always sell out in advance so be sure to make yours early!
  • Address: 2520 Columbia House Blvd, Suite 108, Vancouver Washington 98661 Map
  • Reservations: (360)828-7911

Le PigeonLe Pigeon?and?Little Bird

  • Chef Gabriel Rucker and his teams at Le Pigeon and Little Bird welcome all love birds to join them this Valentine?s Day. Meet for a romantic lunchtime rendezvous at Little Bird, or reserve a table for dinner at Le Pigeon to experience some of Portland?s most heralded seasonally driven menus.
  • Address: Le Pigeon: 738 E Burnside St, Portland Oregon 97214 Map; Little Bird: 219 SW 6th Ave., Portland Oregon 97204 Map
  • Reservations: Le Pigeon:?(503) 546 ? 8796?;Little Bird:?503-688 ? 5952


  • Details:?We are taking reservations for our Valentine?s dinner on Thursday, February 14th. Dinner is $65 per person, excluding drinks and gratuity.
  • Address: 3808 N Williams, Portland Oregon 97227 Map
  • Reservations:?503-288-6200 or click here


Meriwether's Portland thumbnailMeriwether?s Restaurant & Skyline Farm

  • Details: We?ll be serving a 4-course Valentine?s dinner with multiple choices for each course for $75.
  • Address: 2601 NW Vaughn St., Portland OR 97210 Map
  • Reservations:?(503)228-1250


Mucca Osteria 130px

Mucca Osteria

  • Details:?Save a plane ticket to Italy! Bring your loved one to Mucca Osteria and enjoy an authentic Italian experience! This Valentine?s Day we will be offering our a la carte menu along with Valentine?s specials and a special 5 course tasting menu for $55. Wine pairings available for $35. Grazie, a presto!
  • Address:?1022 SW Morrison St.,?Portland?Oregon?97205 Map
  • Reservations: call (503)227-5521, or go to?

Niche Wine BarNiche Wine & Art

  • Details:?Niche Wine & Art is hosting a 5-course, fixed price dinner for Valentine?s Day prepared by Chef David Hickenbottom. Niche will also bring back its popular port tasting and a special wine and dark chocolate tasting. Please RSVP at 360-980-8352 to reserve a spot for this wonderful dinner.
  • Address:?1013 Main St,?Vancouver?Washington 98660?Map
  • Reservations: call (360)980-8352

Oba PortlandOba Restaurante

  • Details:?Share a romantic evening with your sweetheart at ?Oba! Restaurante.?Now is the perfect time to make reservations for an unforgettable Valentine?s Day!
  • Address:?555 NW 12th Ave,?portland?Oregon?97229 Map
  • Reservations: call (503)228-6161, or go to


Olympic Provisions thumbOlympic Provisions

  • Details:?Think of the joy of your loved one when they receive a surprise bouquet of flowers or box of chocolate delivered to them at work? now imagine that 10 times more exciting and that is what receiving a hand delivered Salamigram from Olympic Provisions is like! A singing messenger with a bouquet of heart-shaped salami would no doubt make this a memorable Valentine?s Day. OP Northwest and Southeast also both make a lovely setting for a V-Day dinner for singles, pairs, or groups, and both locations will have special Valentine?s Day menus for the occasion in addition to their al a carte. Reservations are recommended.
  • NW Address:?1632 NW Thurman St. Portland,?Portland?Oregon?97209 Map
  • SE Address:?SE: 107 SE Washington St. Portland, OR 97214 Map
  • Reservations: call (503)894-8136

The Painted Lady thumbnailThe Painted Lady

  • Details:?Celebrate this Valentine?s Day with The Painted Lady in Newberg. Our special chef?s menu for the night is $85 per person. Reservations required.
  • ?Address:?201 S. College Street, Newberg Oregon 97132 Map
  • Reservations: (503) 538-3850


paley-marrow-escargot-thumbPaley?s Place

  • Details:?Paley?s Place is one of the most romantic date spots in the city. In addition to their normal nightly menu, Executive Chef Patrick Mckee is preparing a very special meal for guests this Valentine?s Day featuring Oregon Dungeness Crab Salad with shaved foie gras & truffles; Scallops a la Plancha with uni, lardo, celery root puree & aged balsamic; Spit Roasted Duck Breast with sweet potato and confit duck, & blood orange gastrique; and, for dessert, Hazelnut Mocha Opera Torte, candied kumquats, blood oranges, tangerines and brown sugar ice cream. Be sure to make your reservations soon.
  • Address:?1204 NW 21st Ave.,?Portland?Oregon?97209 Map
  • Reservations: call (503)243-2403

papa-haydn-autumn-meringue-130pxPapa Haydn ? Eastside

  • Details:?Treat your valentine to a delicious dinner at Papa Haydn?s eastside location. We will be preparing a menu to delight your senses. House-made tagliatelle with Dungeness crab, house-made ricotta in beet ravioli, aged New York steak, mushroom risotto and porchetta are only a few of the special dishes we will be cooking for you. We have an extensive wine list with champagnes, white wines and red wines that will pair perfectly with your meal. And then there?s our award winning dessert menu to end your meal. We will be featuring a pistachio cake as well as our petite framboise, a heart shaped, fallen chocolate cake with a raspberry coulis.
  • Address:?5829 SE Milwaukie Avenue,?Portland?Oregon?97202 Map
  • Reservations:?call?(503) 222-0048, or go to?

papa-haydn-dessert-thumbPapa Haydn ? Westside

  • Details:?This Valentine?s Day, bring your loved one to Papa Haydn?s westside location for a romantic meal. Our chef is preparing an especially delightful menu for the evening including beet (yes, beet with a T) tartare, elk loin, squab and sea scallops. We have a beautiful wine list, with an extensive selection of Oregon Pinot Noirs, designed to pair perfectly with your meal. In addition to our award winning dessert menu, for Valentine?s Day we will be featuring a pistachio cake as well as our petite framboise, a heart shaped, fallen chocolate cake with a raspberry coulis.
  • Address:?701 NW 23rd Avenue,?Portland?Oregon?97210 Map
  • Reservations: call call?(503) 228-7317, or go to?

Paulee Restaurant thumbPaul?e

  • Details:?Paulee is offering two different five course prix fixe menus for $75 each. For those that want to truly make a night of it, Inn at Red Hills is also offering a special rate of $100 for a room. With dinner for two and a night in romantic Oregon Wine Country, it will make for a great little getaway for just $250. The first menu will consist of raw oysters, caviar, and vodka froth; tortellini, chanterelle, robiolo, carrot and parmesan; escargot, bone marrow, and red wine butter; 28 day dry age New York steak, short rib farro, and kale. The second menu will include warmed oyster and venison bacon mignonette; black truffle gnocchi, 3 year old cheddar, and beurre; duck liver pate, plum mustarda, and grilled baguette; lobster steak, bone marrow, potato butter, and bordelaise. Both menu?s will finish with the guest?s choice of a special dessert for two. These meals will be available during normal dinner hours of 4:30pm to 9: 30pm and will be the only menu available for this special night.
  • Address:?1410 N. Highway 99W,?Dundee?Oregon?97115 Map
  • Reservations: call (503)538-7970

Pazzo RestaurnatPazzo Ristorante

  • Details:?Pazzo is celebrating Valentine?s Day with our Hook n? Line Dinner Menu featuring line caught specials! Highlights include Cold-smoked Hawaiian Marlin with artichoke slivers, sudachi and sea salt; Citrus-cured Fluke with endive and matsutake horchata and Atlantic Cod filet with spaghetti squash, pine nuts, roasted tomato and mint.
  • Address:?627 SW Washington Street,?Portland?Oregon?97205 Map
  • Reservations: call?(503)228-1515, or go to?

The Picnic House PortlandThe Picnic House

  • Details:?5 course dinner available on the 14th, 15th & 16th of February.?$45 per person. You can see our full Valentine?s Day menu here.
  • Address:?723 SW Salmon Street (Between Park & Broadway),?Portland?Oregon?97205 Map
  • Reservations:?call (503)227-0705

Portland City Grill thumbPortland City Grill

  • Details:?Reserve your spot on Thursday, Feb 14th for a romantic 4-course dinner, featuring violinist Aaron Meyer. This special event at $125 per person sells out fast, so call Alyssa in Private Dining soon!
  • Address: 111 SW 5th Ave, 30th floor, Portland Oregon 97204 Map
  • Reservations: (503)525-5260

Rendezvous Bar and Tap RoomRendezvous Grill and Tap Room

  • Details: We will be celebrating Valentine?s Day from the 14th thru the 16th with terrific specials from Chefs Kathryn and Lisa. Please call for reservations as we get really busy for this holiday! See you at the Vous!
  • Address: Rendezvous Grill and Tap Room, 67149 E. Hwy. 26 at milepost 40 Welches Oregon 97067 ?Map
  • Reservations: call (503)622-6837

Riffle NWRiffle NW

  • This Valentine?s Day, Riffle NW is collaborating with Portland winemaker John Grochau of Grochau Wines and local salt maker Ben Jacobsen of Jacobsen Salt Co. to bring a very special Valentine?s Day to those hungry for a fun, romantic night out.Riffle NW is offering a four-course meal paired with four exquisite Willamette Valley wines and four Oregon sea salts, hand-harvested in Netarts Bay. Guests will be able to select their meal from a variety of dishes including: Oysters and caviar, Lobster and sweetbread ravioli; Diver scallop with braised oxtail and bone marrow; Lobster stuffed monkfish wrapped in crispy bacon and Dungeness crab salad with house brioche. John Grochau and Ben Jacobsen will be guest sommelier and selmelier for the evening, making this a chance to talk to these incredible artisans about their craft. Guests will also be able to purchase wine and salt to take home from the evening. Dinner is $95/person with pairings. Gratuity is not included. Riffle NW?s Valentine?s Day menu will be offered in addition to a tailored version of the regular dinner menu that evening.
  • Address: 333 NW 13th, Portland Oregon 97209 Map
  • Reservations: 503.894.8978



Riverview Restaurant

  • Details: Join us for a special evening. We will feature a special 5-course meal where you can chose an option for each course. Only $50 per person.
  • Address: 29311 SE Stark St., Troutdale Oregon 97060 Map
  • Reservations:?(503)661-3663

Ruth's Chris thumbnailRuth?s Chris Steak House

  • Details:?Wine and dine your sweetheart with all of our classic favorites. Treat your valentine to our Filet & Lobster for $46.95. Book your reservation now for Valentine?s Day weekend, February 14th-17th.
  • Address: 850 SW Broadway, Portland Oregon 97205 Map
  • Reservations: on our website


Salty's ThumbSalty?s on the Columbia

  • Details: Love is in the air at Salty?s this Valentine?s Day, Treat your sweetheart to a fantastic dinner created uniquely for this romantic occasion at Salty?s on the Columbia. Chef Josh Gibler has created the following fabulous items for you to enjoy a truly sensational evening filled with love, passion, and satisfaction. Seating is limited and reservations are highly recommended.
  • Address: 3839 NE Marine Drive, Portland OR. 97211 Map
  • Reservations: (503) 288-4444

Serratto dining room


  • Details:?Romance Your Sweetheart at Serratto
  • New couples, ?well-seasoned? duos and everyone in between are welcome to join Serratto for one of the most romantic nights of the year. When it comes to Valentine?s Day, your favorite neighborhood spot knows how to keep things celebratory and intimate: champagne, candlelight, warm service, and of course delicious food. February 14th is approaching! Here?s what we have in store:?A Decadent Menu -?Chef Tony is keeping in close talks with his purveyors to get the freshest product available for V-Day specials . He confirms that he will indeed have caviar, oysters and lobster for those who are in a seafood frame of mind. The regular dinner menu will also be available, full of freshly prepared pastas, savory game, beef and poultry; and height-of-the-season produce. And don?t forget to save room for something chocolaty. Your table is waiting. Reserve now!
  • Address:?2112 NW Kearney St.,?Portland?Oregon?97210 Map
  • Reservations: call (503)221-1195, or go to?

St. JackSt. Jack

  • Details: Chef Aaron Barnett will be offering a $65 prix fixe menu with optional wine pairings for $40.
  • Address: 2039 SE Clinton, Portland Oregon 97202 Map
  • Reservations: (503)360-1281


Suki's thumbSuki?s Bar & Grill

  • Details:?The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society?s Team in Training is proud to present:?50 First Dates ? A Speed-dating event. Thursday, February 14, 2013, ?Time: 6:30-9:00pm.?$30.00 per person (if paid in advance online),?$35.00 per person at the door.?Admission fee is 100% tax deductible.?Drink specials! Prizes! Fun!
  • Address:?2401 SW 4th Avenue,?Portland?Oregon?97201 Map
  • Reservations: call , or go to?



  • Details:?Valentine?s Dessert Event at Suzette Creperie and Dessert Cafe. An event to make Valentino swoon!
  • Pastry chef/owner Jehnee Rains, formally of Chez Panisse, Bluehour, and Clarklewis creates a full bouquet of sweets:?Meyer lemon eclairs with huckleberries,?Honey-glazed apple and quince tart with creme fraiche and candied almonds,?Chocolate souffle cake with port poached cherries,?Coffee cardamom creme brulee,?Blood orange sorbet with champagne,?Green tea and rose petal ice cream sundae with whipped cream and candied pistachios.?All of this in addition to our full menu of dessert crepes featuring homemade nutella and ice creams.?Of course, our full dinner menu is available too: French onion soup, Caesar salad, crepes bursting with shrimp, prosciutto, smoked salmon, sauteed mushrooms, marsala-soaked figs, Gruyere, goat cheese, and more.?(vegan and gluten-free options available) Look out for the bartenders? sexy Valentino-inspired Blood and Sand, boozy mulled cider, and Italian Diplomat with coffee, chocolate, and Frangelico.
  • Address:?3342 SE Belmont St.,?Portland?Oregon?97214 Map
  • Reservations: call (503)546-0892, or go to


  • Details:?Open normal hours on Valentine?s day 11:30am-9:30pm.?House favorite the Milneburg Jazz band plays from 6:00-9:00pm ? no cover.?Happy Hour from 4:30-6pm ? Nothing says ?I love you? like a Happy Hour date on V-Day.?Regular menu ? no price hikes! Chef John is sure to dream up a dinner special or two to make the night extra tasty
  • Address:?28 NE 28th Ave,?Portland?Oregon?97232 Map
  • Reservations: call (503)232-6652, or go to?

Thirst BistroThirst Wine Bar & Bistro

  • Details: We?ll be serving a four-course prix fixe menu with steak, salmon, scallops and more for $45, with an optional wine pairing for $20. Add a rose and sparkling toast for $10.
  • Address: 315 SW Montgomery Suite 340, Portland Oregon 97201 Map
  • Reservations: (503)295-2747 or via?


urban-farmer-thumbUrban Farmer

  • Details:?Chef Matt Christianson will have several Valentine?s specials ? romantic, sophisticated, and perfect for two to share. Some offerings include Scallop Ceviche with red jalapeno & tangerine; Dungeness Crab Cakes with butternut & pear; 21 Day Dry Aged Tenderloin; and 90 Day Dry Aged Bone-in Sirloin. In addition to their full a la carte menu, Urban Farmer will have their Valentine?s specials during dinner from February 14th-17th.
  • Address:?525 SW Morrison St, 8th Floor,?Portland?Oregon?97204 Map
  • Reservations: call (503)222-4900

wildwood-thumbWildwood Restaurant and Bar

  • Details:?Wildwood invites Portland paramours to feast this Valentine?s Day in celebration of our great love affair with the bountiful Pacific Northwest. Wildwood will romance, wine, and dine you with exotic international interpretations of Northwest cuisine from Chef Dustin Clark, and flirtatious parings from our sexy sommelier Savanna Ray. Bubbles will be flowing and aphrodisiacs abound, with an a la carte menu including specialties like Shigoku oysters, scallops, and steak tartare, with BatchPDX truffles to top off a seductive dinner for two. Reservations are recommended.
  • Address:?1221 NW 21st Ave,?Portland?Oregon?97210 Map
  • Reservations: call (503)248-9663

Winderlea VineyardsWinderlea Vineyard & Winery

  • Details:?Join us for a truly unique experience as we celebrate Valentine?s Day in the vineyard on Saturday Feb. 16th. Chef Paul Losch has put together a remarkable menu that will be paired with Winderlea Chardonnay and Pinot noir. We will also be featuring music by Eric John Kaiser. Cost is $95 per person, which is inclusive of food, wine, and service. Reservations are extremely limited, as we can only accommodate twenty lucky diners for this evening on the vineyard. Call us at 503-554-5900 or email for more information or to make a reservation.
  • Address:?8905 NE Worden Hill Rd,?Dundee ?Oregon?97115 Map
  • Reservations: call (503)554-5900


  • Details: Love in the air, champagne in your glass, scrumptious food on your plate, it?s Valentine?s Day at Yakuza Lounge. Join us for our Omakase, a special chef?s choice menu. This year Chef David Gaspar de Alba is crafting a romantic menu with each course designed to delight. Seatings are available at 5:30, 6:30, 8, and 9. Prix fixe $65 per person. Optional wine and sake parings available for $35.
  • Address: 5411 NE 30th Ave, Portland Oregon 97211
  • Reservations: Please contact Kyle for details. 503-450-0893

Local Business Specials:

Farm to Fit

  • Details: Valentines dinner delivered to your door.?While Farm To Fit is in full swing helping their clients with their New Years Resolution Diets by delivering ?fresh, delicious, calorie controlled meals, they also have?Love?on the brain.?For Valentine?s Day they are going to throw out the calorie counting and provide a four course meal for two delivered to your door for *75$. Last year they offered it to their clients and it was such a success they want to offer it to the the whole city.?Chef Michael Keskin is fired up to break out of the constraint of calorie counting and has created this decadent menu to share.?First Course:?Dungeness Crab Bisque,?Second Course:?Carlton Farms Pork Belly w/ ?Sage White Beans and Apple Brulee,?Third Course: ?Veal Osso Bucco with Toasted Pine Nut Gremolata,?Fourth Course:?Chocolate Hazelnut Cake w/ German Chocolate Ganache.?*Five Dollar delivery charge if you are in the 2 mile radius of Burnside Bridge and a 10 Dollar delivery charge outside the radius.

In Good Taste Cooking School

  • Details:?Schedule a date night in advance? spend a night together learning to create a delicious meal, so that you can enjoy a quiet night alone on Valentine?s Day.?Sign up for our Hands on Date Night- Steak Dinner on February 9. Then you?ll have plenty of time to perfect your kitchen skills to impress your sweetheart.?If you?d like to extend the romantic holiday, sign up for our Hands on Country French Supper, to be held February 15?.enjoy Coq au Vin, Pots du Creme and elegant wine pairings. For more information and to sign up, visit our website at
  • Address:?6302 SW Meadows Road,?Lake Oswego?Oregon?97035 Map
  • Reservations: call (503)248-2015
  • Nicky USA has a fabulous new line of wild game sausages available to order, with flavors like Elk with Wild Huckleberry and Pinot Noir; Water Buffalo Five Spice; Tuscan Veal with roasted garlic and sundried tomatoes; and Venison & Rabbit with dried cranberries and applewood smoked bacon. Nicky can also work with your restaurant to create a sausage exclusively for your menu. Learn more at
  • Call to Order: 503.234.GAME

Pacific Pie Co.

  • Details:?Show your sweetheart how much they mean to you with a Cutie Pie Delivery from Pacific Pie Co. on Valentine?s Day. Pie is WAY sexier than chocolate or flowers, you know! Choose from a whole sweet pie, a bag of savory Bake at Home pies, or a dozen bite-size pies. We will package up your order with festive decorations and a card with your personal message. Free delivery to offices or home addresses within Portland with a minimum order of $25. Orders must be placed by Tuesday, February 12th to ensure delivery on Valentine?s Day.
  • And who says you need reservations on Valentine?s Day? With our Low Key Lovers Dinner we do the cooking for you! A complete romantic dinner for two, ready to heat when you?re ready to eat, and just $40. Included:
  • - 2 Savory Pies or Vegetarian Pasties of your choice
  • - Arugula Salad with wine poached pears and pomegranate vinaigrette
  • - Creamy Mushroom Bisque
  • - Roasted Winter Vegetables
  • - Choice of a 5? Chocolate Coconut Cream Pie, Chocolate Salted Caramel Tart, or Chocolate Raspberry Ganache Pie
  • Available for take-out February 14 ? 16. Please place orders at least 24 hours in advance. Call (503) 381-6157 to reserve today!
  • Address:?1520 SE 7th Ave. ,?Portland?Oregon?97214 Map

Ruby Jewel Ice Cream

  • Details:?Sure, roses are nice. A box of chocolates? well, that?s kind of clich??personal ice cream delivery? Now you?re talking!
  • This Valentine?s Day Ruby Jewel is offering a delicious Triple Love Package of sweet treats delivered right to the door of your special someone. Delight your Valentine with two pints of small-batch handmade ice cream (choose from special Valentine?s Day flavors like Chocolate Truffle with Amarena Cherries, Portland Creamery Chevre with Port Reduction or their most popular flavor, Caramel with Salted Dark Chocolate) three ice cream sandwiches dipped in luscious bittersweet chocolate, house-made salted caramel candies and a personalized love note.
  • To reserve your Triple Love Package visit a Ruby Jewel Scoops location (NoPo Scoops: 3713 N. Mississippi Ave. or West End Scoops: 428 SW 12th Ave.) or fill out an order form online at

Saint Cupcake

  • Details:?A perfect Valentine?s Day gift for friends, co-workers, or your children?s classmates are Valentine?s Day card from Saint Cupcake, redeemable in stores for one mini cupcake! Cards come in a 12 pack for $6. Or, send your love something as sweet as they are; the ?love pack? features 6 full size cupcakes with Valentine?s sprinkles and sugar paste hearts for $25.50. A perfect gift for your love muffin! View the whole Saint Cupcake collection online where you can also ship sweet treats nationwide.
  • Address:?1138 SW Morrison St. ,?Portland?Oregon?97205 Map
  • Reservations: call (503)997-3674

Salt & Straw

  • For those looking for something beyond the traditional box of chocolates for that special someone this Valentine?s Day, Salt & Straw is offering five chocolate inspired ice creams that can be enjoyed as individual scoops, in pints to go, or all together in a flight. Salt & Straw collaborated with SahagunChocolates, XocolatldeDavid, MissionaryChocolates, AlmaChocolate and WoodblockChocolate to create creative flavors that show off each chocolatiers unique chocolate making styles, techniques and ingredients. Be sure to pick up a pint to snuggle up at home with your lover or body pillow this Valentine?s Day.
  • Call to order: Address: 2035 NE Alberta St. Portland 503-208-3867?Map and 838 NW 23rd Ave, Portland?971-271-8168?Map

St. Honore Boulangerie

  • Details:?No one does love better than the French. This Valentine?s Day, show that special someone, family member, or friend you care by appealing to their sweet tooth through French pastries and cookies from St. Honor? Boulangerie. St. Honor? continues their tradition of bringing old world French delicacies to Portland with handmade treats featuring the finest ingredients. In addition to a wide selection of delicious love themed pastries including the Puit d?Amor and the Saint Valentin, St. Honor? has created new Sabl? Damier cookies available in festive gift boxes.
  • Address:?2335 NW Thurman St.,?Portland?Oregon?97210 Map
  • Reservations: call (503)445-4342

Tails & Trotters

  • Details:?The cases are fully stocked and delicious soups and sandwiches are now on the menu daily at the new Tails & Trotters shop! Stop by for lunch and for some hazelnut finished pork to cook a romantic dinner at home this Valentine?s Day.
  • Address:?525 Northeast 24th Ave,?Portland?Oregon?97232 Map
  • Reservations: call (503)477-8682

Two Tarts Bakery

  • Details: Let?s do it. Let?s get this heart-shaped, luv-n-stuff holiday rolling. Let?s wrap it up with a tasty hot beverage and call it a day. The 900 heart-shaped cookie cutters we own are dusted off and ready for action. Let?s put ?em to work! Our neighbors at Smith Teamaker and Sterling Coffee Roasters are helping to spread the love (and fuel our cookie baking.) Give your sweetie a box of heart-shaped goodness and a steaming cup of high-test love.The Sweet Tea ? One dozen assorted heart-shaped Two Tarts cookies, plus a lovely assortment of five tea sachets from Smith Teamaker$14 (plus shipping ).The Cup?a Cup?a Burning Love ? One dozen assorted heart-shaped Two Tarts cookies, plus 500 grams of whole bean java from Sterling Coffee Roasters$24 (plus shipping).To ensure we?ve got enough heart-shaped goodness to go around, please place your order by Saturday, February 9th.Local delivery is available for a small fee.?To order, call the shop at 503.312.9522 or email Emily.

"I have a wide-range of food experience - working in the restaurant industry on both sides of the house, later in the wine industry, and finally traveling/tasting my way around the world. Whether you agree or disagree, you can always count on my unbiased opinion. I don't take free meals, and the restaurants don't know when, or if, I am coming."


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