Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Sudan: Iran not linked to arms factory


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Huntersville family will walk for stomach cancer awareness ...

Ken Chelcun of Huntersville has been living without a stomach since Dec. 5, 2008, when he had surgery to remove the digestive powerhouse ? and prevent the cancer that killed his mother and brother.

He?s not the only one in his family who has taken this drastic action.

His sister, nephew and niece have also had their healthy stomachs removed.

All chose surgery after learning they share a genetic mutation that leads to hereditary diffuse gastric cancer, a syndrome that means they have an 80 percent chance of developing stomach cancer.

I wrote about the family in 2008, the same year they started the Chelcun Family Fund to raise awareness and money for research to improve diagnostic testing and treatment for stomach cancer. It has expanded into a worldwide foundation ? No Stomach For Cancer.

On Saturday, Ken Chelcun, his wife, Suzie, and their three sons will participate in the first No Stomach For Cancer walk, around the perimeter of Pine Lake Preparatory school in Mooresville.

Other walks will take place the same day around the world.

Stomach cancer is ?more prevalent than people realize,? Suzie Chelcun said. ?It is the second leading cause of cancer death (worldwide) but receives the least amount in federal funding?. In our experience, it was difficult to find answers. There really wasn?t a place to go.?

The Chelcuns? mother died of stomach cancer in 1982, at age 52. Brother Greg, of Wisconsin, died in 2009, at 58.

After Greg?s diagnosis, Ken Chelcun?s sister, Karen Chelcun Schreiber of Wisconsin, began researching the possibility of an inherited risk for stomach cancer in their family. Blood tests showed that she, Greg and Ken all inherited the genetic mutation.

There is no screening to detect stomach cancer, and symptoms don?t develop until the cancer is advanced.

Given the family history, Ken Chelcun said the choice to have surgery was ?pretty much a no-brainer.?

Now, the next generation is deciding.

Greg?s son Brian, 30, and daughter Johanna, 28, both have tested positive for the mutation and had the surgery.

Schreiber has two grown sons ? one tested positive but hasn?t had surgery; the other has chosen not to get tested.

Ken and Suzie Chelcun?s sons are 14, 12, and 9, and geneticists have advised them to wait until they?re 18 to even consider testing.

?It?s a hard knowledge to face,? Suzie Chelcun said. ?It?s going to be something they?ll have to decide when they get older.?


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Monday, October 29, 2012

Are You an Agile Leader? - PM Hut

October 27, 2012 | Author: PM Hut | Filed under: Leadership

Are You an Agile Leader?
By Terri L Hughes

It?s the ability to lead well through a wide range of circumstances - especially when leading change. You can spot an agile leader because they are flexible, balanced, quick, graceful, and able to work effectively with uncertainty and ambiguity.

Here are some of my favorite definitions of agility with respect to leadership:

  • Capacity to be flexible and resourceful in the face of ever-changing conditions
  • The ability to move with an easy grace

  • The ability to weave together and make sense of apparently disjointed pieces, crafting innovative solutions

  • Ability to change position rapidly and accurately without losing balance

One thing we know for sure? business change is here to stay. If businesses want to succeed at managing at the pace of change ?change management? may have much more to do with improving how we lead than about managing the change. And that?s where the skill of agility comes in.

Many of the leaders I work with struggle with leading change effectively. They talk about change and more change to come, but their most important business outcomes rely on creating innovative new products, or creating a cultural shift to enable their success. If we consider the desired outcomes, then their focus should include a variety of ideas and approaches to be sure people are engaged in doing those things that will create the valuable results - not simply on trying to manage the changes.

So instead of relying on a linear set of academic change steps, an agile leader will address the situation with a variety of perspectives, ideas and solutions. They try different approaches, and move gracefully with the needs.

Ana Dutra, CEO of Korn/Ferry Leadership and Talent Consulting summed it up beautifully by noting in Forbes (April 2011), ?Agile Leaders are those who ?figure it out?, who ?get it?, when faced with new and challenging situations. Agile Leaders are not only fast and effective problem solvers when dealing with situations they?ve never dealt with before, but they are also laser-focused on results and excellent at reshaping plans and priorities when faced with unexpected changes in the environment. They are resourceful and competitive. And, they get it done fast.

Agile leaders are not only exceptional at coping with change, but also in driving it, many times anticipating market trends or, even better, creating new trends. They have high tolerance for ambiguity and are actually thrilled by the possibility of creating the new and different. Most importantly, not only do agile leaders have all the above characteristics, but they also possess a high dose of self-awareness and awareness of others.?

Try these seven ideas to begin improving your leadership agility:

  1. Watch out for limiting beliefs and reactive tendencies - Review your mental scripts and how they inform your behaviors
  2. Don?t be limited by one approach - Take a hard look at your style and see how adaptable you are in various situations

  3. Surprise yourself with breakthrough thinking and involvement of others - intentionally take yourself out of your comfort zone and explore new approaches

  4. Ask better questions - be willing to examine all facets of a situation to create success

  5. Imagine you get replaced today- How would your successor improve things?

  6. Anticipate change in everything you do

  7. Hire a great coach!

?When you?re finished changing? You?re finished?. - Benjamin Franklin

Terri Hughes is the owner/principal of Terri Hughes, LLC, a leadership development & executive coaching business. Visit her website for details, free resources and to schedule a complimentary consultation to discuss your needs.

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Thursday, October 25, 2012

Adventures in Prosperity ? Part 2 of 4

II. Release the Past

In the book of Numbers there?s a story about when Moses and the Hebrews came to the edge of the Promised Land and were ready to go in there. Moses sent twelve spies ahead to spy out the promised land to see if it was really good land and rich in fruits, and also to see what the defenses were and whether the people were friendly.

The twelve spies came back carrying a big pole with lots of clusters of grapes strung over it and bags of pomegranates and all different kinds of fruit, and they said, ?Look, this is the fruit that is there.? Two of them, Joshua and Caleb, were very excited about what they saw, but ten of the twelve were very negative. They said, ?Although this is a land flowing with milk and honey, filled with good things, the soil is good and the fruit is there, it?s heavily defended. There are strong fortifications, there are walls and cities, and the people there are so big that it made us feel like grasshoppers.? So they were negative about it.

And what did this do? Instead of the Hebrews being joyous about going into the Promised Land, they became negative about it. They said, ?Agh, we would have been better had we not left Egypt. We were better off in bondage in Egypt than we are going into this land where there are these fortifications and people who are giants.? So they became fearful and negative. They wanted to hold onto the past, no matter how difficult and how uncomfortable and how awful that past was.

Have you ever found yourself in a similar situation? Have you ever found yourself wanting to hold on to the past and not going to the new because of the fear of what that new might contain? That?s a city in our consciousness, and it?s called ?Scare City? ? or ?scarcity.? How many of you live in Scare City?

To dance the dance of abundance your center of consciousness, your center of being, has to be a low center of gravity. You move easy in the dance of abundance. But in the Scare City, where is your consciousness centered? You?re breathing way up high. When we get anxious, we breathe high up in our chest and our shoulders are tense. So that?s when you know you are in Scare City, you know you are filled with fear and anxiety when you are breathing shallowly way up high and when our shoulders are tense.

We have to really center ourselves, take a deep breath and ?Ahh!? let go and feel your center down in the area of your diaphragm. We have to lower our center of gravity so that we are moving easily upon the earth and we are also connected to our heavenly realm, the kingdom of heaven or kingdom of substance, in a nice easy way.

So, they were scared; they were rejecting their good, their promised land. We also do that sometimes, we reject our good because we hold on to the past out of fear.

You will remember that Jesus, when people came to him or he met people who were blind or lame or had other problems, would say to them ?Do you want to be healed?? Do you want to be healed? We have to ask that question of ourselves. And sometimes the answer is ?No, not really. I want to be well but I don?t want to be healed. I still want the sympathy, I still want to be able to complain, and I still don?t want to take responsibility, so I don?t really want to be healed.? Then you are still holding on to the past, aren?t you? You?re not opening yourself to the new, you?re not willing to let go in order to move forward.

So our second step in this process, after the first step of knowing God as our source, is to release the past.

That includes releasing any grievances of the past. It includes releasing any mistakes or failures of the past, of yourself or of anyone else. Releasing the past also means forgiving yourself and others, doesn?t it? Forgiving the past, in order to let it go. We cannot move into our future good if we?re still holding on to the past, the complaints, the unforgiveness, the resentment, the bitterness, the scarcity, the fear, or whatever it might be. We have to let go of all of that in order to move into our promised land.

It also means that we have to stop talking about unhappy experiences, doesn?t it? How often do we go on thinking and talking about that? We carry that stuff on and we get sympathy from others, don?t we? ?Oh, I remember my operation. Do you want to see my scar?? or ?I remember when I was really sick or I was really hard put to scrape by? or ?I remember those days when it was so difficult? or ?I remember that relationship, and he was such a nasty guy. Do you know what he did to me?? And we keep on talking about this stuff.

So we cannot move into the new without letting go that old experience. Our mind will not have space for the new if it?s fully occupied with the old.

Again, Charles Fillmore has this to say: ?Thoughts are things and occupy space in mind; we cannot have new or better ones in a place already crowded with old, weak, inefficient thoughts. A mental house-cleaning is even more rewarding than a material one.? A mental house-cleaning ? but don?t forget the material one too.

The material house-cleaning is very good. Catherine Ponder, the author of Open Your Mind to Prosperity and many other prosperity books, recommends that we do a house-cleaning if we?re also cleaning out our mind, because it helps us to associate one with another. We need to let go of some of the stuff we accumulate, to go into our closets and drawers and throw out that stuff, clothes we haven?t worn for a year, books we haven?t looked at for five years that are just collecting dust on the shelves, or old files ? keep your income tax records for a maximum of seven years and throw away any from before that. We tend to stack up stuff; how many of us are pack-rats? So Catherine Ponder says to let go of all that stuff, and as you do that you also begin to clean out your mind.

Remember, God is Blessing You, Right Now!

Rev. Alan A. Rowbotham


Rev. Alan A. Rowbotham, a Unity minister for over?forty years, invites you to subscribe to his free inspirational newsletter,?Spiritual Solutions.

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Resveratrol falls short in health benefits, study shows

ScienceDaily (Oct. 25, 2012) ? Resveratrol, an ingredient in red wine thought to improve insulin sensitivity, reduce risk of heart disease and increase longevity, does not appear to offer these benefits in healthy women, new research at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis indicates.

The study, reported online Oct. 25 in Cell Metabolism, involved 29 post-menopausal women who did not have type 2 diabetes and who were reasonably healthy. For 12 weeks, half took an over-the-counter resveratrol supplement, and the rest got a placebo, or sugar pill.

"Resveratrol supplements have become popular because studies in cell systems and rodents show that resveratrol can improve metabolic function and prevent or reverse certain health problems like diabetes, heart disease and even cancer," says senior investigator Samuel Klein, MD, director of Washington University's Center for Human Nutrition. "But our data demonstrate that resveratrol supplementation does not have metabolic benefits in relatively healthy, middle-aged women."

The results were somewhat surprising because earlier studies suggested that drinking red wine lowers the risk of health problems.

"Few studies have evaluated the effects of resveratrol in people," Klein explains. "Those studies were conducted in people with diabetes, older adults with impaired glucose tolerance or obese people who had more metabolic problems than the women we studied. So it is possible that resveratrol could have beneficial effects in people who are more metabolically abnormal than the subjects who participated in the study."

Klein, the Danforth Professor of Medicine and Nutritional Science, directs the Division of Geriatrics and Nutritional Science and the Center for Applied Research Sciences. He says many people who have heard about red wine's health benefits want to take resveratrol supplements to get the benefits of red wine without consuming large amounts of alcohol. In recent years, annual U.S. sales of resveratrol supplements have risen to $30 million.

As part of the study, Klein and his colleagues gave 15 post-menopausal women 75 milligrams of resveratrol daily, the same amount they'd get from drinking 8 liters of red wine, and compared their insulin sensitivity to 14 others who took a placebo.

The team measured the women's sensitivity to insulin and the rate of glucose uptake in their muscles, infusing insulin into their bodies and measuring their metabolic response to different doses.

"It's the most sensitive approach we have for evaluating insulin action in people," he says. "And we were unable to detect any effect of resveratrol. In addition, we took small samples of muscle and fat tissue from these women to look for possible effects of resveratrol in the body's cells, and again, we could not find any changes in the signaling pathways involved in metabolism."

But if resveratrol doesn't have a health benefit, then why are red wine drinkers less likely to develop heart disease and diabetes? Klein says there may be something else in red wine that provides the benefit.

"The purpose of our study was not to identify the active ingredient in red wine that improves health but to determine whether supplementation with resveratrol has independent, metabolic effects in relatively healthy people," he says. "We were unable to detect a metabolic benefit of resveratrol supplementation in our study population, but this does not preclude the possibility that resveratrol could have a synergistic effect when combined with other compounds in red wine."

Funding for this research comes from the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), and grants from DSM Nutritional Products, the Longer Life Foundation, the Japanese Research Foundation for Clinical Pharmacology, the Manpei Suzuki Diabetes Foundation and the Kanae Foundation for the Promotion of Medical Science. NIH grant numbers UL1 RR024992, DK 56341 and DK 37948.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Washington University School of Medicine. The original article was written by Jim Dryden.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Jun Yoshino, Caterina Conte, Luigi Fontana, Bettina Mittendorfer, Shin-ichiro Imai, Kenneth?B. Schechtman, Charles Gu, Iris Kunz, Filippo?Rossi Fanelli, Bruce?W. Patterson, Samuel Klein. Resveratrol Supplementation Does Not Improve Metabolic Function in Nonobese Women with Normal Glucose Tolerance. Cell Metabolism, 2012; DOI: 10.1016/j.cmet.2012.09.015

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Islamic militant group in Syria rejects truce

In this Tuesday, Oct. 23, 2012 photo, Syrian residents carry a man severely injured from an artillery shell that landed near a bakery, to a hospital for treatment in Aleppo, Syria. Several were killed and a dozen were injured after the artillery shell that landed near a bakery in Aleppo on Tuesday, Oct. 23, 2012. (AP Photo/Narciso Contreras).

In this Tuesday, Oct. 23, 2012 photo, Syrian residents carry a man severely injured from an artillery shell that landed near a bakery, to a hospital for treatment in Aleppo, Syria. Several were killed and a dozen were injured after the artillery shell that landed near a bakery in Aleppo on Tuesday, Oct. 23, 2012. (AP Photo/Narciso Contreras).

In this Tuesday, Oct. 23, 2012 photo, Syrian residents wheel a man injured from an artillery shell that landed near a bakery, to a hospital for treatment in Aleppo, Syria. Several were killed and a dozen were injured after the artillery shell that landed near a bakery in Aleppo on Tuesday, Oct. 23, 2012. (AP Photo/Narciso Contreras).

In this Tuesday, Oct. 23, 2012 photo, a Syrian man wheels a woman severely injured from an artillery shell that landed near a bakery, to a hospital for treatment in Aleppo, Syria. Several were killed and a dozen were injured after the artillery shell that landed near a bakery in Aleppo on Tuesday, Oct. 23, 2012. (AP Photo/Narciso Contreras).

U.N.-Arab League envoy to Syria, Lakhdar Brahimi talks during a joint press conference with the Arab League Secretary-General Nabil Elaraby, unseen, following their meeting at the Arab League headquarters in Cairo, Egypt, Wednesday, Oct. 24, 2012. The U.N.-Arab League envoy to Syria says the Syrian government and some rebel leaders have agreed to a ceasefire during the upcoming Muslim four-day holiday. (AP Photo/Nasser Nasser)

(AP) ? The current international peace plan seeking to stop Syria's civil war suffered a major setback Wednesday when an al-Qaida-inspired militant group rejected a cease-fire proposed by the international envoy.

Lakhdar Brahimi, the U.N.-Arab League envoy for Syria, said the government in Damascus and some rebel leaders had agreed to a four-day truce during the Muslim Eid al-Adha holiday, which starts Friday.

The modest scope of the proposal reflected how short the international community is on ideas ? and even that appeared doomed. Both sides have agreed to previous, more ambitious cease-fires in the past only to break them, and neither side shows much interest in stopping the fight now.

The Syrian government denied it has made a decision, saying it is studying the proposal, and rebel leaders have expressed doubts.

An extremist group, Jabhat al-Nusra, which has joined the fight against President Bashar Assad, also rejected the truce.

"There will be no truce between us and the prideful regime and shedder of the blood of Muslims," the group said in a written statement posted Wednesday on militant websites. "We are not among those who allow the wily to trick us, nor are we ones who will accept to play these filthy games."

While the group is on the extreme edge of the rebel groups fighting in Syria, it also expressed a sentiment most of them share: that after 19 months of deadly violence, there is little faith that Assad's regime will abide by any agreement.

Brahimi told reporters in Cairo Wednesday that Assad's government had agreed to the truce and would issue a statement on the matter later "today or tomorrow." He did not say how it would be monitored.

Brahimi met with Assad in Damascus on Sunday after talks last week with opposition groups inside and outside Syria. He has said he received promises but not a commitment from them to honor the cease-fire.

Speaking by videoconference from Cairo on Wednesday, he told the U.N. Security Council that he hopes a temporary cease-fire in Syria can break the cycle of violence and allow a political transition to start, a U.N. diplomat in the closed meeting said.

He also said another failure would let the conflict worsen and spill over to other countries, the diplomat said, speaking on condition of anonymity because the meeting was private.

In Damascus, Foreign Ministry spokesman Jihad Makdessi said Wednesday that proposal was still "being studied" by Syrian army leaders and that Syria's decision would be announced Thursday.

Another opposition leader said he had little hope the truce would hold. Abdelbaset Sieda, head of the exile Syrian National Council, said opposition fighters have told him they are willing to adhere to it but will respond if attacked by regime forces.

"This regime, we don't trust it, because it is saying something and doing something else on the ground," Sieda said by phone from Sweden.

Brahimi's proposal is far more modest than a six-point plan by his predecessor as Syrian envoy, former U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan. A cease-fire was the centerpiece of Annan's proposal and was to lead to talks on a peaceful transition.

But the truce broke down soon after it started and the two sides returned to all-out war, although Annan said the regime was the main aggressor.

Violence continued around Syria Wednesday. A car bomb exploded in the Tadamon neighborhood of Damascus, killing at least eight people, said Rami Abdul-Rahman of the Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.

Regime warplanes struck the village of Mar Shureen near a strategic rebel-held town in the country's north Wednesday, killing five members of an extended family, activists said.

The village is just outside the town of Maaret al-Numan, about a mile (nearly two kilometers) from a Syrian military camp that has been the site of fierce fighting for several days.

Opposition fighters seized Maaret al-Numan, which lies along the main highway between Aleppo and Damascus, earlier this month. That has disrupted the ability of Assad's army to send supplies and reinforcements to the northwest where troops are bogged down in a stalemate with the rebels in Aleppo, Syria's largest city.

Syria's uprising started in March 2011 with anti-regime protests. The conflict has since turned into a civil war. Anti-regime activists say more than 34,000 have been killed.


Associated Press writers Maggie Fick in Cairo, Karin Laub in Beirut and Albert Aji in Damascus contributed to this report.

Associated Press


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Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Chinese trade delegation touring West Virginia nursery industry

The delegation is searching for compatible plants to potentially export to Beijing.

A group of major Chinese landscaping and plant nursery companies are touring West Virginia this week taking a look at the state's nursery industry.

West Virginia Nursery & Landscaping Association Executive Director Beth Loflin said the trade delegation is on a fact finding mission that could lead to future business with the state.

"The Beijing Trade Mission actually recognized West Virginia as a perfect candidate to establish communication in hopes of them purchasing plants for Beijing ," said Loflin.

After doing some research, the trade mission realized that plants grown in West Virginia are compatible for planting in the Beijing area and wanted to look into possibly exporting plants from the state.

On Monday, the West Virginia Department of Agriculture and the WVNLA took the Beijing Trade Mission on a tour of Bob's Market and G&G Nursery in Mason County.

"We are basically looking at trees and shrubs as well as some flowers and perennials, what's compatible," said Loflin.

Click here to read the rest of the article.


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Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Summer babies less likely to be CEOs: UBC research

Summer babies less likely to be CEOs: UBC research [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 23-Oct-2012
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Contact: Lorraine Chan
University of British Columbia

Sauder School of Business researchers at the University of British Columbia have found that a person's date of birth can affect their climb up the corporate ladder.

The Sauder study shows that only 6.13 per cent of an S&P 500 CEO sample was born in June and only 5.87 per cent of the sample was born in July. By comparison, people born in March and April represented 12.53 per cent and 10.67 per cent of the sample of CEOs.

"Our findings indicate that summer babies underperform in the ranks of CEOs as a result of the 'birth-date effect,' a phenomenon resulting from the way children are grouped by age in school," says Sauder Finance Prof. Maurice Levi, co-author of the study to appear in the December issue of the journal Economics Letters.

In the United States, cut-off dates for school admission fall between September and January. The researchers determined that those CEOs in the sample born between June and July were the youngest in their class during school, and those in March and April were the oldest. This takes into account children born in months close to the cut offs who were held back or accelerated.

"Older children within the same grade tend to do better than the youngest, who are less intellectually developed," explains Levi. "Early success is often rewarded with leadership roles and enriched learning opportunities, leading to future advantages that are magnified throughout life."

Levi and his co-authors, former Sauder PhD students Qianqian Du and Huasheng Gao, investigated the birth-date effect in a sample of 375 CEOs from S&P 500 companies between 1992 and 2009.

"Our study adds to the growing evidence that the way our education system groups students by age impacts their lifelong success," says Prof. Levi. "We could be excluding some of the business world's best talent simply by enrolling them in school too early."


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Summer babies less likely to be CEOs: UBC research [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 23-Oct-2012
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Contact: Lorraine Chan
University of British Columbia

Sauder School of Business researchers at the University of British Columbia have found that a person's date of birth can affect their climb up the corporate ladder.

The Sauder study shows that only 6.13 per cent of an S&P 500 CEO sample was born in June and only 5.87 per cent of the sample was born in July. By comparison, people born in March and April represented 12.53 per cent and 10.67 per cent of the sample of CEOs.

"Our findings indicate that summer babies underperform in the ranks of CEOs as a result of the 'birth-date effect,' a phenomenon resulting from the way children are grouped by age in school," says Sauder Finance Prof. Maurice Levi, co-author of the study to appear in the December issue of the journal Economics Letters.

In the United States, cut-off dates for school admission fall between September and January. The researchers determined that those CEOs in the sample born between June and July were the youngest in their class during school, and those in March and April were the oldest. This takes into account children born in months close to the cut offs who were held back or accelerated.

"Older children within the same grade tend to do better than the youngest, who are less intellectually developed," explains Levi. "Early success is often rewarded with leadership roles and enriched learning opportunities, leading to future advantages that are magnified throughout life."

Levi and his co-authors, former Sauder PhD students Qianqian Du and Huasheng Gao, investigated the birth-date effect in a sample of 375 CEOs from S&P 500 companies between 1992 and 2009.

"Our study adds to the growing evidence that the way our education system groups students by age impacts their lifelong success," says Prof. Levi. "We could be excluding some of the business world's best talent simply by enrolling them in school too early."


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PFT: Roethlisberger still confident in Wallace

Cam Newton, Warren MoonAP

Few have worked as closely with Cam Newton as Warren Moon, and the Hall of Fame quarterback is still defending last year?s pupil, even while acknowledging his need to improve.

Moon thinks placing too much of the blame for the Panthers? 1-5 start (and the firing of general manager Marty Hurney) at the second-year quarterback?s feet is wrong, and any suggestion he?s a bust is ridiculous.

?I think a lot of this is because so many people want to say ?I told you so? about him, but couldn?t because he was so good last year,? Moon told Yahoo?s Mike Silver in a wide-ranging interview. ?I think people are overreacting. How can he be a bust? He just had one of the great years a rookie has ever had, and now he can?t play? Come on.?

Moon acknowledged he?d like to see Newton adopt a more even-keeled approach, something he?s done more of in recent weeks. But as he did prior to the draft?last year, Moon thinks there?s an undertone of racism to some of the criticism.

?I don?t understand it,? Moon said. ?I heard somebody compare him to Vince Young. It?s the same old crap ? it?s always a comparison of one black to another black. I get tired of it. I get tired of defending it.

?If you want to compare him to someone because of his demeanor, compare him to Jay Cutler. There are a lot of guys who whine and moan. Cam?s not biting anybody?s head off or pushing his linemen. He?s just disgruntled, and not handling losing well, because, think about it, he basically didn?t lose in college.

?I don?t think Cam?s as bad as Cutler, because Cutler looks like he doesn?t give a damn sometimes, or he?s yelling and cussing at someone. Cam, he just looks down when they?re losing.?

Moon also doesn?t think the Panthers coaches are putting Newton in good positions to succeed by ignoring the run game with the talent they have, and leaning too heavily on the read-option principles he ran in college.

?I don?t know why they got away from what they were doing last year,? Moon said. ?They were running more of a pro-style offense, and now they?re going more to the read-option, the stuff he did in college. I think some of it is coaching. I think some of it is they don?t have enough good players yet. And there?s no question he?s not playing as well as last year.

?That offense doesn?t allow you to be an NFL-type quarterback. It?s a lot of tricks, sticking the ball into a running back?s stomach, trying to freeze the defense. Even though he can do that and had success with it in college, I don?t think it serves him well in the long run. You can?t keep going back and forth. I think he?s a little bit confused with the footwork, and I think that?s one of the problems with his accuracy ? his feet are crossed up. Why this change? I think it?s backfiring. I think they?re out-thinking themselves.?

Sounds familiar.


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Stocks hammered by weak earnings reports

NEW YORK (AP) ? Stocks opened sharply lower Tuesday, driving major indexes to their lowest point since early September, after big-name companies reported weak quarterly earnings and lowered their expectations for the rest of the year.

The Dow Jones industrial average sank 245 points, or 1.8 percent, to 13,100 in the first hour of trading. The Standard & Poor's 500 index fell 24 points to 1,409. The Nasdaq composite index was off 39 points at 2,977.

The day was shaping up to be among the worst of the year on Wall Street. The Dow's biggest decline was 274 points, on June 1.

3M, which makes everything from Scotch tape to coatings for LCD screens and is an economic bellwether, reduced its profit expectations for this year because of "current economic realities."

Chemical maker DuPont said it will cut 1,500 jobs and take other steps to increase competitiveness after earnings fell sharply last quarter. UPS reported lower earnings and said it was uncertain about the holiday shopping season.

Xerox plunged 8 percent, or 56 cents, to $6.47. Xerox's income dropped 12 percent in the third quarter following steep declines in sales for equipment, supplies and related products. The stock is off 19 percent so far this year.

Some of the disappointing revenue is because of weakness in foreign markets. Multinational companies are having a hard time selling to Europe, which is struggling under a debt crisis and a spreading recession.

The red-hot growth enjoyed by emerging markets like China and India is also slowing, and many businesses that had relied on growth there to offset weak U.S. consumer demand are being forced to come up with new strategies.

"The recession in Europe is very real," said Bernard Schoenfeld, senior investment strategist for Bank of New York Mellon Wealth Management in New York. "It's not going to disappear very quickly, and it will certainly negatively affect earnings of exporters in the United States."

Financial analysts have predicted that earnings for S&P 500 companies for July through September would be lower than the year before, breaking a three-year winning streak.

There was more bad news on manufacturing Tuesday from one of the regional branches of the Federal Reserve.

The Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond, Va., reported that manufacturing in the central Atlantic region "pulled back" in October following a slight improvement the month before. Manufacturers were also less optimistic about the next six months.

The price of crude oil fell $2.41 per barrel to $86.24. And as investors sold stocks, they bought bonds, driving yields lower. The yield on the benchmark 10-year U.S. Treasury note sank to 1.76 percent from 1.82 percent Monday.

Among individual stocks, 3M and DuPont were among the worst performers. DuPont plunged $4.15, or 8.3 percent, to $45.61. 3M was down $2.37, or 2.6 percent, at $90.16.

Apple fell $6 to $628 ahead of the expected release of a smaller version of its iPad. Apple has the most sway among stocks in the S&P 500 and the Nasdaq composite and helped drive those indexes lower.

Materials stocks and energy companies fell the most in the broader market, each losing more than 2 percent.

Among other stocks making news:

? Xerox plunged 56 cents, or 8 percent, to $6.47. Xerox's income dropped 12 percent in the third quarter following steep declines in sales for equipment, supplies and related products. The stock is off 19 percent so far this year.

? Yahoo jumped 80 cents, or 5 percent, to $16.57, making it one of the handful of winners in the S&P 500. The company's first earnings report under Marissa Mayer as CEO easily beat the forecasts of Wall Street analysts. Yahoo hired Mayer from Google in July to orchestrate its latest turnaround attempt.


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Monday, October 22, 2012

Drag Queen Or Candidate? Watch RuPaul's 'All Stars' Get Political!

'It's important to vote for your own self-esteem, to know that you count,' RuPaul tells MTV News.
By Damian Vaca

Photo: Getty Images/MTV News


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Roundtable: In close race, third debate matters (cbsnews)

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Testimony begins in Britney Spears defamation case

LOS ANGELES (AP) ? Testimony is set to begin in a defamation suit by Britney Spears' ex-manager against her parents.

Lawyers for Sam Lutfi declined to say whether he would be the first witness at Monday's trial in Los Angeles.

But one thing certain was that Spears will not testify. She remains under a court-ordered conservatorship and a judge told her not to participate.

Her father, Jamie, who is her conservator, has been in court with his wife, Lynne, whose book on her daughter's darkest days led to the defamation suit by Lutfi.

He was portrayed by lawyers for the family as a destructive force in Britney's life. His lawyers maintain he was just trying to help Britney and manage her career.

Lutfi is seeking millions of dollars from Spears and her family.


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Sunday, October 21, 2012

Obama, Romney camps square off on foreign policy before -

WASHINGTON -- On the eve of their final presidential debate, Mitt Romney and Barack Obama -- through their allies -- squared off Sunday over which candidate would best protect the nation's interests and security abroad with just two weeks left in a race that polls show is increasingly tight.

Both candidates stayed largely out of view, preparing vigorously for their Monday face-off focused on foreign policy. The debate begins at 8 p.m. CDT.

Republicans accused Obama of leaking word of possible negotiations with Iran in pursuit of political gain. Democrats shot back, arguing that Romney and his party are the ones playing politics with national security.

The haggling played out on Sunday news shows at a critical time for Romney and Obama, whose marathon race has become exceedingly close as it lurches toward its November conclusion. Early and absentee voting are already under way in many of the most competitive states, upping the pressure on both candidates to lock in supporters.

Two weeks out, the race appears to be tied, with both candidates taking 47 percent among likely voters in a Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll released Sunday that reflected a boost of support for Romney following his lauded performance in the first debate in early October.

Romney's top supporters launched sweeping condemnations of Obama's handling of foreign policy, assailing him over a deadly attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya, and arguing that under the president's negligent watch, Iran has crept closer to obtaining a nuclear weapon.

Republican Sen. Rob Portman of Ohio, who played Obama in Romney's debate preparations, said a new report claiming the U.S. and Iran had agreed to direct negotiations seemed like "another example of a national security leak from the White House."

"They've done a lot of that," Portman said, alluding to accusations over the summer that Obama's administration was leaking information to bolster his political prospects ahead of the election. He was echoed by Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., who called the timing of the report "pretty obvious."

The White House said Saturday that while it is prepared for direct talks with Iran, there's no current agreement to meet. On Sunday, Obama's backers credited him for isolating Iran within the global community and adopting effective sanctions that have crippled the Persian Gulf nation.

"For two years, the president traveled the world putting together a withering international coalition. And now the sanctions that they agreed on are bringing the Iranian economy to its knees," said David Axelrod, a senior Obama adviser. "They're feeling the heat. And that's what the sanctions were meant to do."

Romney, taking a break from debate prep Sunday in Delray Beach, Fla., declined to answer a reporter's question about whether he would be open to one-on-one talks with Iran.

Still, Obama's allies were wedged into a defensive posture as Republicans undertook an everything-but-the-kitchen-sink approach to deflating Obama's foreign policy record. Graham said the Libya attack reflected "one of the most major breakdowns of national security in a very long time." Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., in a clear nod to Cuban-American voters in his battleground state, even suggested Obama's loosening of travel restrictions to Cuba had provided a source of cash for the Castro regime and undermined political freedoms.

Democrats were ready with indictments of their own. Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel said the House GOP's release Friday of 166 pages of Libya-related documents had put lives in danger.

"People around the world will now know that you're at risk if you cooperate with the United States," said Emanuel, Obama's former chief of staff.

Romney's supporters waxed optimistic that the race is trending in the Republican's direction, even in crucial states like Ohio that Obama won four years ago and where unemployment is on the decline. Portman said he's traversed his home state over the past two weeks on behalf of Romney and likes what he's seeing on the ground.

"The enthusiasm energy is on our side this year. I mean, it's not like 2008 at all," he said.

Both candidates dedicated their weekend to intensive study for the debate; Obama huddled with advisers in Maryland and Romney with his team in Florida.

On the agenda were Iran-Israel tensions, China, terrorism and the war in Afghanistan -- all subjects expected to come up Monday in the 90-minute encounter moderated by CBS News' Bob Schieffer. Although polls show the economy is of top concern to most voters, global affairs have cropped up as a key issue in the final weeks due to unrest in Libya, Syria and elsewhere.

Romney paused his preparations to attend church with his wife Sunday morning and to watch his traveling press corps play touch football against his senior staff. The former Massachusetts governor presided over a coin toss on the beach, then gathered his aides to cheer them on.

"That's right, don't worry about injuries guys, this counts. Win," he joked.

Romney didn't talk politics, refusing to answer a question about whether, if elected, he would be open to direct talks with Iran. Questions from reporters about the new poll and Monday's debate likewise went unanswered.

Obama arrived Friday at Camp David, the presidential retreat in Maryland's Catoctin Mountains, where he's been holding 12-hour practice sessions, starting with policy discussions at 10 a.m. Obama and his team hold mock debates in the evening in a set designed to look like the one in Boca Raton, Fla., where the two White House hopefuls will square off for the last time. Ron Klain, a former White House aide brought back for debate prep, is playing the role of Schieffer.

Axelrod and Portman spoke on NBC's "Meet the Press," while Emanuel appeared on ABC's "This Week." Graham spoke on "Fox News Sunday" and Rubio on CBS' "Face the Nation."


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7-Day Diet Weight Loss Cabbage Soup - Divas Can Cook

  • ~TIPS~
  • Jazz it up by adding lots of spices, herbs and a variety of veggies.
  • This makes enough for about 3 days.
  • Keeps well in the fridge for about 3 day.

I?m going to Disneyland next week and decided that I didn?t want to take my muffin top with me, especially since I have this cute form fitting top that I want to wear so bad WITHOUT SPANKS!! When I need to lose my gut or 10 pounds quickly I turn to 3 diets that never lets me down; my smoothie diet, The 17 Day Diet (review coming soon) and my newest love, the 7-day diet!!

I know some people HATE these kinda diets but I love them! They work well for me and the weight stays off as long as you eat a healthy, balance diet afterwards. I never do though since I mainly use these diets for quick weight loss for an event, the week before Thanksgiving, or ?to jumpstart my spring dieting before swimsuit season.

OK so let?s talk about the 7-day diet!! It?s an old diet that has been around for YEARS and revised over and over again. You are likely to find several different version online. ?Lately these 7-day diets have become really popular. Even Dr. Oz has one. I first read about it on Justin and Ashley?s blog (she answers a lot of questions about this diet so if you have them, check out her FAQS section) I think this diet is a great cleanse because I always feel so refreshed and clean inside and out afterwards.

wonder soup recipe weight loss soup recipe cabbage soup diet

I NEVER thought I?d like this soup, but it?s so good!

On the 7-day diet you follow a certain eating plan everyday. Along with eating these specific foods you are allowed to have cabbage soup aka wonder soup aka weight loss soup aka miracle soup aka weight watcher soup whenever you?d like. ?This is what drew me to the 7-day diet because I love that I can eat this soup in unlimited quantities. I HATE being hungry and I will not stick to any kind of diet if I?m hungry. Point. Blank. Period. Don?t forget you MUST drink 8 glasses of water each day. My results vary if I slack on water, but 8-10 pounds is what I usually lose.

Now about this weight loss Cabbage Soup (Wonder Soup), the website ( says you should boil the vegetables in water, uh?no ma?am!! I?ve always used chicken broth or vegetable broth with seasoned canned tomatoes and it has never hindered my weight loss. There is NO WAY I would be eating this soup everyday if I made it according to the recipe on the site. Yuck! ?Throughout the diet I also use salt, pepper, lots of herbs & seasonings, olive oil, and a tad of butter. I also add 0-5 calorie flavorings to my water to make sure I get in all my water. These changes have never affected my results.

So here is a brief overview of the diet plan. ?Get more details on

Day 1- Eat nothing but fruit today (except for bananas) and as much of the diet cabbage soup as you?d like. I like to eat baked cinnamon apples in the morning, a large fruit salad and cabbage soup for lunch, and cabbage soup and a melon salad for dinner. I snack on fruit throughout the day, usually frozen berries, grapes and watermelon.

Day 2- Eat nothing but vegetables (except corn or other starchy veggies). However, you do get to start the day with a baked potato. You will LOVE having this baked potato trust me! I never thought I?d be so happy to eat a baked potato in the morning! I put a tad bit of salt and butter (I cheat) on the potato along with some broccoli and tomatoes. For lunch I do the cabbage soup and salad sprinkle with salt, pepper and olive oil. This is actually pretty good. For dinner I do mashed cauliflower topped with a stir fry.

Day 3- ?Today you eat fruits AND veggies (except bananas, corn and other starchy veggies) You also don?t get a potato today, sucks! I just do a repeat of day one and two for my foods.

Day 4- Today you eat only bananas and milk/yogurt. This is the DUMBEST day by far. I hate it. You can only have bananas and milk. I eat bananas, rice milk, almond milk and yogurts and of course the miracle soup. It?s not that difficult, but if you hate bananas I feel sorry for you boo.

Day 5- ?Today eat only tomatoes (6-8) and protein like fish, turkey and chicken. I had no problems with this day since I love meat and was happy to get it! I had wonder ?soup for breakfast and added extra tomatoes since I don?t like tomatoes plain that much. For lunch I had grilled chicken topped with tomatoes seasoned with salt, basil, pepper. For dinner I had more wonder soup, but I add ground seasoned turkey to it. Very filling. I got tired of the soup on this day.

Day 6- ?Today it?s protein and veggies- Unlike yesterday you can have other veggies besides tomatoes. I had a salad for breakfast seasoned with olive oil, spices, salt and pepper. For lunch I had a stir-fry with chicken, spices and veggies (so good) for lunch I had a spaghetti squash with pasta sauce and ground turkey. I think spaghetti squash is off limits but I had to have it! (it didn?t effect my weight loss) Today was so yummy! lol

Day 7- ?Today it?s just fruits, vegetables, and juices. Booo!!! I hated this day because I wanted more meat, but I was glad it was the last day. The scale says I?m 7 pounds lighter this morning so that was great to see. I feel clean inside. I?m hungry today though. REALLY HUNGRY!

Day 8- 10lbs down this morning and I can see it!!

Watch me make this Weight Loss Cabbage Soup Recipe (Wonder Soup) from start to finish!


7-Day Diet Weight Loss Soup (Wonder Soup)


Recipe type:?Soup


  • ? head of cabbage, chopped
  • 1 cup celery, diced
  • 1 cup white or yellow onion, diced
  • 1 cup carrots, diced
  • 1 green bell pepper, diced
  • 2-3 cloves garlic, minced
  • 4 cups chicken broth
  • 14 oz can basil, oregano, garlic diced tomatoes
  • 1 teaspoon oregano
  • 1 teaspoon basil
  • ? teaspoon red pepper flakes
  • few shakes of black pepper
  • ? teaspoon salt (optional)
  1. Heat 2 tablespoons of olive oil in a large pot over medium heat.
  2. Add celery, onions, bell peppers, and carrots.
  3. Saute until slightly tender.
  4. Stir in garlic.
  5. Pour in chicken broth.
  6. Stir in tomatoes and cabbage.
  7. Bring to a boil and then reduce heat.
  8. Cook until cabbage is tender.
  9. Stir in oregano, basil, red pepper flakes, black pepper and salt (if using)
  10. Taste broth and adjust seasoning if needed.
  11. Serve and enjoy!




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Palestinian push for U.N. upgrade likely to succeed: Jeremic

UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - The push by the Palestinians for upgraded status at the United Nations is likely to succeed, the president of the U.N. General Assembly said on Friday, while warning the United States against cutting U.N. funding over the issue.

In his first major interview since winning a divisive campaign for the largely ceremonial U.N. post in June, former Serbian Foreign Minister Vuk Jeremic also said he was seeking to improve coordination between the world body and the Group of 20 bloc of key developed and developing nations.

Having failed last year to secure full U.N. membership due to U.S. opposition, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas said last month he would ask the 193-nation General Assembly to approve a less-ambitious promotion of the Palestinian Authority's observer status to "non-member state," like the Vatican. It is currently considered an "entity.

Jeremic said Abbas is consulting with U.N. member states and is expected to call for a meeting on the Palestinian issue as early as next month, after the November 6 U.S. presidential election.

"Most people expect that it is going to be the second half of November," the 37-year-old former Serbian foreign minister told Reuters.

"If they decide to go for it after these consultations, which is what President Abbas announced in his speech in September, most people expect that this is going to pass," Jeremic added.

The United States and Israel have warned the Palestinians against seeking a status upgrade, saying it would be a setback for the peace process and suggesting that it could have financial implications for the Palestinian Authority.

Some U.N diplomats say that the Palestinians have not made a final decision to go for the upgrade and are under intense pressure from Washington and European nations to call it off.\

U.N. diplomats and officials say they are also worried about a possible reduction of U.N. funding from the United States, which supplies 22 percent of the regular U.N. budget.

Jeremic said he does not want to lecture the United States, but voiced concern about a possible American suspension of U.N. funding due to the Palestinian issue. Such a suspension, he said, would have "dire financial implications" for the United Nations.

"I don't think this would be in the interests of the United States to cut the financial aid, but I am not in a position to say to the United States what is it they should do," he said. "They know what is best for them, and that's what they are going to do."


The U.S. Congress froze some $200 million in financial aid to the Palestinians after they took their statehood campaign to the United Nations last year. Western officials say further aid reductions by the United States are likely, along with a possible freezing of U.N. funding.

The United States cut funding to the U.N. education and science agency, UNESCO, last year after it admitted the Palestinians as a full member.

A 1990s U.S. law prohibits American funding to U.N. organizations that grant full membership to any group that does not have "internationally recognized attributes" of statehood.

The Palestinians are not seeking U.N. membership. But an upgrade of their observer status could nevertheless be uncomfortable for Israel.

Being registered as a state rather than an entity would mean the Palestinians could join bodies such as the International Criminal Court and file complaints against Israel for its continued occupation.

The Palestinians need a simple majority in the General Assembly for the status upgrade, and predict that between 150 and 170 nations out of the 193 U.N. member states will vote in favor.

Handling the Palestinian debate will likely be the first major U.N. test for Jeremic, the youngest General Assembly president in the history of the United Nations. But he also intends to dedicate much of his time to finding a way to improve cooperation between the G20 and the United Nations.

Jeremic said this could make the assembly more relevant and give some legitimacy to the G20, an informal group that smaller countries often criticize for its lack of transparency.

He said his plan was to "create a consultation mechanism between the G20 and the rest of the world." Jeremic will discuss it with Russia, which chairs the G20 next year, and plans to hold a high-level meeting on U.N.-G20 cooperation in early 2013.

Previous attempts to boost ties between the G20 and United Nations have failed. Jeremic's predecessor in 2008-2009, Miguel D'Escoto Brockmann of Nicaragua, made an attempt to do the same but made little headway. D'Escoto, a left-wing former foreign minister, was a fierce critic of the United States, Israel and the G20, and envoys said that alienated some delegations.

Jeremic made clear he would take a different approach and would be seeking consensus. "This must not be an antagonistic exercise," he said. "This is not about bashing."

A number of U.N. diplomats have mentioned Jeremic as a potential candidate to succeed Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon when his term ends in December 2016. The next U.N. chief is expected to come from Eastern Europe in keeping with a tradition of rotation among the six regional groups of the United Nations.

Jeremic, who became a familiar face in New York at regular U.N. meetings on Serbia's former province of Kosovo, declined to comment on his future plans apart from returning to Serbia, where he remains a member of parliament. But he did not rule out the idea of running for the top U.N. post.

(Additional reporting by Michelle Nichols; Editing by Will Dunham)


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