Sunday, March 31, 2013

Arrrrrgh - there be booty buried somewhere in this Google Treasure Map

Google Treasure Maps

The end of YouTube is just the start of Google's April Fool's Day 2013 fun. Up next we've got Google Treasure Maps. It's, ummm, Google Maps done up treasure-map style, as only Google can do it.

Just head to Google Maps on the desktop (doesn't look like there's a mobile end to this yet, but sing out if you spot something) and start scouting around.

There're are more than a few easter eggs in this one. We're not going to spoil them for you just yet, but be sure to zoom way in and check out some of the highlighted areas. The San Francisco Bay Area is a good place to start, but they're spread out globally as well.

Have fun!


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To boost revenues, the taxman cometh ? in Afghanistan

Omar Sobhani / Reuters

Najib Ullah Latify, the owner of factory High Standard Pipe explains about their factory in Kabul March 17, 2013. High Standard Pipe employs 850 people and supplies pipes for projects providing clean water all over Afghanistan. Picture taken on March 17, 2013.

By Katharine Houreld, Reuters

KABUL ? One of Afghanistan's most surprising success stories lies tucked away on a potholed street notorious for suicide bombings and lined with rusting construction equipment.

The work of the country's top tax collector is more inspiring than the view from his office in Kabul. Taxes and customs raised $1.64 billion last financial year, a 14-fold increase on 10 years ago. That means, now, the government can pay just over half of its recurrent costs such as salaries.

Thanks to tougher enforcement procedures, Afghanistan's tax to GDP ratio today stands above 11 percent - ahead of neighboring Pakistan's dismal 9 percent.

Increasing revenues is vital as donors begin reducing aid ahead of the 2014 drawdown of NATO troops, who have provided the backbone for security since U.S. forces invaded after the September 11 attacks on the United States.

By the end of this year the United States alone will have spent $100 billion on Afghan reconstruction. But future pledges are a fraction of that.

"We are largely dependent on international aid. We would like to be independent," said Abdurrahman Mujahid, the new head of the revenue department. "I would like a sustainable Afghanistan for all the children."

Despite rising revenues, the government will rely heavily on donors for years to come. Taxes, customs and mining revenue will only meet $2.5 billion out of a $7 billion budget this year.

Most of the revenue comes from large corporate taxpayers, who complain their payments have not improved power cuts, potholed roads or security.

Corporations pay a flat tax of 20 percent - the same rate for an individual earning over $2,000 a month.

But unlike developed countries where personal income tax generates a sizeable chunk of revenue, most Afghans scoff at the idea of giving the government some of their meager earnings.

The average annual income, in a country ranked one of the world's poorest, is just $470, according to the World Bank. Those making less than $100 a month don't have to pay tax.

"It's not a good government," said moneychanger Abdurrahman Arif, 28, as he held a wad of soiled notes and scanned for customers. "I don't pay tax. The rich people don't and the government should go to them before they come to me."

Afghanistan has a similar problem to neighboring Pakistan - the very wealthy don't pay their share, and weak institutions often have little way of forcing them.

Authorities admit that taxing the rich isn't easy in a country where the powerful often command militias. But Mujahid promises tax evaders will "be introduced to the law enforcement agencies".


Much of Afghanistan's money is in an undocumented black economy. Corruption is endemic and the country produces 90 percent of the world's opium. Billions of dollars in cash leave the country every year in suitcases.

The security situation is discouraging. Taliban and other militias have made gains in many areas as foreign combat forces wind down their missions.

But some Afghans still manage to make money. Many businesses are fuelled by the aid dollars that have poured into the country over the last decade. Luxury supermarkets, travel agencies and stationery shops crowd the capital's streets.

A U.S. embassy official in Kabul commended Afghanistan's ability to raise tax revenues.

"It's a pretty substantial achievement," the official said, but noted the nation still faced a large funding gap, partly because of its huge security bill.

"It's going to continue being a problem until they can get revenues from the extractive industry, and that's going to take some time," the official said, referring to Afghanistan's rich but undeveloped mineral deposits.

Donors currently pay for just under half Afghanistan's operating costs - mostly government salaries - and more than three-quarters of all development projects like roads, dams and electricity equipment.

Rampant corruption means this money is often stolen, angering donors, fuelling anti-government rage and keeping aid from some of the world's neediest families.

Donors hope that if Afghans foot more of the bill for public services they may become less tolerant of graft from their leaders.


Mujahid, the new head of the revenue department, has large shoes to fill. His predecessor Ahmad Shah Zamanzai oversaw much of the department's growth and didn't shrink from confrontation.

When a vice-president refused to pay tax on income from renting out houses he owned, Zamanzai threatened to leak it to the press. Elections were approaching. The vice president paid up.

Under Zamanzai, the tax department jailed more than 20 tax evaders, froze bank accounts, slapped on travel bans and shuttered the premises of businesses that refused to pay.

In one showdown, he took on the glitzy wedding halls that have mushroomed up in the capital. When the 60 or so venues refused to pay their dues, he had police padlock a dozen of the biggest until the rest fell into line.

Zamanzai was appointed head of the state-run Pashtany Bank as part of a bureaucratic reshuffle this month. His first task, he said, would be to use skills honed in the tax department to extract overdue loan repayments from powerful Afghans.

But the tough tax enforcement has angered some businessmen.

Najib Ullah Latify's spotless factory, full of humming machinery and rows of workers in blue overalls and yellow hard hats, stands a few minutes drive from the tax office. High Standard Pipe employs 850 people and supplies pipes for projects providing clean water all over Afghanistan.

Latify said he'd expand but harassment from the tax man was hurting his business.

In recent years, he says, he's been repeatedly overcharged by the tax office and promised refunds have not been credited. Officials frequently offer to slash his tax bill in return for bribes, he added. When he refuses, he says, officials disrupt his imports and suspend his license.

"I don't know what to do, I have shouted everywhere that they are ruining my business," he said.

"I don't mind paying taxes. Even if 60 percent of it is spent on drinking and shopping and trips for (politicians') wives, maybe 40 percent will go to schools or hospitals. But they must tax me correctly."

The new tax chief, Mujahid, was not familiar with Vitaly's case, but promised to investigate. More than 10 tax collectors - whose basic salaries start at $180 a month - have been fired for corruption in the last two years.

"Corruption is a part of public life in Afghanistan," said Mujahid. "We have the aim to make this department corruption-free."

This year he's planning to finish computerizing tax records, usher through a law on Value Added Tax, and strengthen collection in the provinces - more than 90 percent of government taxes currently come from the capital.

"There's a lot of achievements, but for sure we have problems, and the biggest problem is corruption," he said.

Copyright 2013 Thomson Reuters. Click for restrictions.


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Authorities: $600M scheme incubated in N.C. town

LEXINGTON, N.C. (AP) ? In the hardware store on South Main Street, the owner pulled Caron Myers aside to tell her about the best thing to happen in years to this once-thriving furniture and textile town.

Did she hear about the online company ZeekRewards? For a small investment, she could make a fortune. He had invested. So had his grandsons. And so were more and more people in Lexington, including doctors, lawyers and accountants.

Skeptical at first, Myers drove a few blocks to the company's one-story, red-brick office and spotted a line of people circling the building. She was sold, and plunked down several thousand dollars. But months later, Myers, like hundreds of thousands of others, discovered the truth: ZeekRewards was a scam.

"I was duped," Meyer said. "We trusted this man. The community is still in shock."

Authorities say owner Paul Burks was the mastermind of a $600 million Ponzi scheme ? one of the biggest in U.S. history ? that attracted 1 million investors, including nearly 50,000 in North Carolina. Many were recruited by friends and family in Lexington, a quintessential small town where neighbors look out for each other.

But what investors didn't know was that regulators had received nearly a dozen complaints about ZeekRewards and the related site, but failed to take action for months, leaving the company free to recruit tens of thousands of new victims.

The Securities and Exchange Commission, which closed the operation Aug. 17, said Burks was selling securities without a license. The Ponzi scheme was using money from new investors to pay the earlier ones.

Burks has agreed to pay a $4 million penalty and cooperate with a federal court-appointed receiver trying to recover hundreds of millions of dollars.

Investigators say Burks, a former nursing home magician, siphoned millions for his personal use. But he has not been charged.

In his first public comments, Burks told The Associated Press he couldn't discuss details because of lawsuits by victims trying to recoup money.

"Everything will come out in time," said Burks, 66, standing in the doorway of his home.

Asked if he had anything to say to victims, he shook his head.

"I never told anyone to invest more money than they could afford," Burks snapped. "I didn't tell them to do that. Never."

He said if they lost money, "it's their fault. Not mine. Don't blame me."

But Cal Cunningham, a former prosecutor representing investors in a lawsuit, slammed Burks ? and regulators for taking so long to act.

"It's why we need a full hearing on what happened in a court of law ? whether that be our civil case or a criminal proceeding. A lot of people were hurt," he said.


Burks started Zeekler in early 2010 as an online penny auction site. His business experience included nearly four decades in multilevel marketing programs ? such as Amway ? including failed attempts to launch similar businesses of his own.

In penny auctions, consumers compete to pay pennies on the dollar for name brand products such as iPads. Each bid costs as much as $1, so participating can become expensive and the sites can earn nice profits when multiple users bid against each other.

In January 2011, he incorporated aspects of multilevel marketing into the business when he launched ZeekRewards. The program offered a share of the penny auction's profits to people who invested money, promoted the company on other websites and recruited other participants. Under a complicated formula, investors were issued "profit points" that grew every day.

Investments were capped at $10,000, but people could invest on behalf of their spouses, children or other relatives. Some mortgaged homes to raise their investment.

At first, ZeekRewards complied when investors sought to cash out. And that became the best ad of all: happy investors with their checks in Facebook photos.

People who didn't trust the mail traveled long distances to drop off checks at the cramped office building where security guards allowed only seven inside at a time. Employees collected money and wrote out receipts at the office cluttered with dozens of plastic mail bins stuffed with check-filled envelopes. To withdraw money, investors filed an online request ? or called ? and then had to wait for a check.

By the end of 2011, it seemed like everybody in Lexington was talking about ZeekRewards. Many saw it as a way to make extra cash to pay bills or help family.

"No one was in it to get rich," said Mary Bell, a 75-year-old seamstress from Lexington who scraped together money to invest.

Sarah Chavez wanted extra money for her daughter's frequent hospital visits for leukemia. Her husband worked in a factory, and they invested $7,000.

"It's hard to believe in something like that. But everyone told us it was a sure thing," she said.

Burks mostly kept to himself, and few locals knew anything about the quiet, balding man with thick glasses.

In the 1980s and early 1990s, the Shreveport, La., native toured nursing homes in the South as a magician with country singer David Houston. Burks moved to Lexington in the early 1990s because his wife was from the area.

In 2000, Burks ran for the state House as a Libertarian, but he collected only 330 votes.

Then he became a local celebrity.

Most afternoons, he ate lunch at the same downtown restaurant with an entourage of managers. Conference calls with investors were posted on YouTube. He produced glossy brochures touting the company.

"In addition to the mind-blowing savings, you can create more wealth than you have ever thought possible with ZeekRewards' geometrically progressive matric compensation plan," the brochure said.

Burks also hired some of the industry's top attorneys and analysts to promote his company.

The publicity paid off. When the Association of Network Marketing Professionals held its annual convention in March 2012, it called ZeekRewards the model of legal compliance.


But behind the scenes, there were troubling signs, according to documents, company emails and consumer complaints reviewed by the AP.

In early June, the state of Montana gave ZeekRewards the boot. Montana requires multilevel marketing companies to register. But ZeekRewards didn't submit any paperwork ? even after warnings, said Luke Hamilton, a spokesman for the attorney general's office.

"We started getting a lot of complaints," he said.

In August, a North Carolina employees' credit union warned customers not to invest in ZeekRewards because it was a "fraudulent company."

But regulators received complaints long before then.

In a Nov. 23, 2011, complaint filed with the North Carolina Attorney General's office, Wayne Tidderington of Florida called ZeekRewards an "illegal" Ponzi scheme. He said a relative had invested $8,000 and the company guaranteed a return of 125 percent every 90 days.

The attorney general's office can ask a judge to shut down a business because of deceptive trade practices. But it forwarded Tidderington's complaint to the secretary of state's office because it looked like it might involve securities. The secretary of state's office, however, declined to take action because it didn't believe it had the jurisdiction, spokeswoman Liz Proctor said.

The complaint died.

"I put it all together," Tidderington told the AP. "I gave them the roadmap. I said, 'Here's a snake. Here's the gun. Here's the bullets. Shoot the snake.' But they ignored me."

Over the next seven months, the attorney general's office received nearly a dozen more complaints.

But it wasn't until July 6 that it issued an order giving Burks until the end of the month to turn over all Zeek-related documents. He missed that deadline.

Kevin Anderson, senior deputy attorney general for consumer protection, insisted his agency correctly handled the case, saying his office receives thousands of complaints a year.

"We have to have more concrete evidence than a couple of consumer complaints before we go to court," he said.

The SEC received similar complaints during the same period, but the agency didn't begin its investigation until the summer.

SEC spokeswoman Christine D'Amico declined to comment on the investigation, except to say the agency took action "as soon as we believed we had sufficient evidence to obtain an emergency court order to halt the fraud."


Months later, people in Lexington are wondering what's next.

Kenneth Bell, the court-appointed receiver, said ZeekRewards may have taken in $800 million. So far, he's recovered $312 million. Hundreds of millions were paid out to investors. Just how much is missing? He doesn't know.

Myers said the community is still recovering ? but the wounds are deep. People are wondering why investigators didn't act more quickly and why no one, including Burks, has been charged.

"There are thousands and thousands of victims who might not have lost a penny had the government intervened more quickly," she said.


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Professional Business Marketing ? Five Critical Team Members For ...

The 7 C?s: How to Find and Hire Great Employees

How To Build A Billion Dollar Business Plan: 10 Top Points

When Companies Honor Employees, Profits Result

Entrepreneurship: Do You Qualify For The Ride of Your Life? The 8 Point Test

The right team is key to success.

You know your customers. You have a killer product to sell. The business plan is set, strategy thoughtfully documented and funds are in place. You?re ready to go to market or even poised for explosive growth. But, are you surrounded by the best possible teammates to make the dream a reality?

In my 40 plus years as a successful entrepreneur, angel investor and venture capitalist, I have learned that business owners cannot grow an enterprise singlehandedly. ?Michael Jordan once said ?Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence win championships.? ?A championship team begins with an inspired coach who has a world class plan to be number one.? To achieve his dream, he recruits, trains and motivates skilled athletes who are willing to set egos aside for the good of the team. ??Working in harmony with a single purpose and a dedicated effort, the coach and the players are able to achieve greatness in their sport. The same model applies to starting and growing an award winning business.

I view a business founder as a coach.? A leader who knows what has to be done, when and where.? Every growing company has multiple tasks that have to be performed for an enterprise to succeed and flourish.? The job of the coach is to recruit and hire the right people to accomplish given assignments.? From my own experiences as a serial entrepreneur and from what I have seen from other business founders I have supported financially, I have learned that exceptional organizations engage a cadre of talented business people who perfectly fit five vital areas of the organization.? ?Today I am pleased to share with you what I feel are the most critical team members any entity must have to win in business.

The leader.

It all starts with the leader. The best business coaches are servant leaders.? They recognize their businesses will soar if they hire great people and let them ?own? their assignments. In this light, the business founder is there to support the employee?s efforts with needed resources, guiding principles and agreed upon priorities.? He or she encourages, motivates, rewards and provides feedback on job performance.? He corrects with kindness and celebrates achievement.? This leader knows if he takes care of his employees, they will provide superior service to customers, who will, in turn, continue to buy and tell their friends to do the same.? He is forgiving of mistakes.? He lets people learn and grow.? He provides a culture of integrity, honor, self reliance, innovation and camaraderie.? They daily play their best game.? Their output is superior to the competition. They are happy people and look forward to work every day.? In fact, the leader is loved by his employees and they will do any for him or her.

The expert.

Great business leaders succeed because they hire people who know the industry, the trends, the competitors, the market place, the customers, the products they sell, the vendors and investors.? They surround themselves with workers, managers and other leaders who have years of experience.? They bring vital information and deep knowledge to their assignments and are willing to share what they know with the business founder, peers and subordinates.? These expert employees mentor others who are learning the business.? They are vigilant and continue to watch and learn.? They provide guidance and wisdom on what works and what does not work in the organization; the results -mistakes are few, productivity is high. I speak from experience on this important topic. I have scars on my back from numerous failed start ups because I hired a team of inexperienced and unseasoned workers who had little knowledge and therefore couldn?t perform.

The financial guru.

Successful businesses all have an experienced and talented financial officer.? The importance of this critical leader can?t be overstated.? No company can survive or prosper without a person who understands accounting, finance, strategy and cash flow management.? There must be someone in the organization that can be trusted with the funds that are received and dispersed by the company.? He or she who owns this key responsibility must know at every minute the health of the company; the availability of cash should be top of mind.? I have learned that regular meetings between the financial guru, peers and the founder are critical to staying afloat.? All leaders and managers need to know where the company is financially and what must be done to sustain viability.? Again, from personal experience, I have watched many companies go out of business because leaders failed to put a competent financial player on their team.? Most planned to do it, but did so too late.

The strategist.

Having a strategist on the team is another critical element that ensures prosperity.? Why? Most entrepreneurs are busy taking care of day to day business.? They have their heads down making sure the company is making money and that the right products are being made and that employees and customers are happy.? They don?t notice the world is changing.? They lack intelligence on emerging industry trends, changes in customer behavior, new competitors and disruptive product innovations. ?They are buried with huge tasks and pressing deadlines.? They don?t have time to lift their eyes to the horizon and learn what tomorrow will bring.? I know this life style.? I have been there many times.? I never had time to put my put my feet up on the desk and gaze into space and see the future.? Yet, the future is heading directly at business founders at high speed.?? To maintain and grow, someone in the organization should be assigned to carry the crystal ball and report on what he or she sees.? Yes, growing companies? need a visionary to research, comprehend and report on opportunities and challenges down the road.? Failing to have this key leader on the team will be catastrophic to the company.? No owner wants to wake up one morning to learn they are now headed to the cemetery of expired businesses.? Having learned this lesson more than once, I now have a strategist on my team that guides our enterprise into the future.

The executer.

Every great company has a leader that owns the responsibility to execute or implement company plans.? These assignments may encompass research, inventory management, manufacturing, distribution, human resources, IT, and marketing and sales.? In many businesses, the person who oversees these critical tasks bares the title of chief operating officer.? To carry out these responsibilities, he or she will hire an expert staff of employees with specific duties that must be accomplished for the enterprise to flourish.? These workers are the heart of the organization and deliver what customers want and buy.? Companies that fail don?t have this key person on the team.? Those firms that do, have found and hired a highly talented executive who know what needs to be done, when and how.

In conclusion, as an owner, shareholder or board director, does your organization have these five critical executives? Are they performing as expected or do they need to be hired, developed or replaced? I would appreciate hearing from you about your organization and its leadership.? I can be reached at @AskAlanEHall or via my personal website,?

Author:?Alan Hall?|?Google+

Seven Common Small Business Mistakes And How To Deal With Them


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Saturday, March 30, 2013

Sand From Fracking Could Pose Lung Disease Risk To Workers

A worker stands on top of a storage bin on July 27, 2011, at a drilling operation in Claysville, Pa. The dust is from powder mixed with water for hydraulic fracturing.

Keith Srakocic/AP

A worker stands on top of a storage bin on July 27, 2011, at a drilling operation in Claysville, Pa. The dust is from powder mixed with water for hydraulic fracturing.

Keith Srakocic/AP

When workplace safety expert Eric Esswein got a chance to see fracking in action not too long ago, what he noticed was all the dust.

It was coming off big machines used to haul around huge loads of sand. The sand is a critical part of the hydraulic fracturing method of oil and gas extraction. After workers drill down into rock, they create fractures in that rock by pumping in a mixture of water, chemicals and sand. The sand keeps the cracks propped open so that oil and gas are released.

But sand is basically silica ? and breathing in silica is one of the oldest known workplace dangers. Inside the lungs, exposure to the tiny particles has been shown to sometimes lead to serious diseases like silicosis and cancer.

Traditionally, silica exposure has been associated with jobs like mining, manufacturing and construction. But, as Esswein, a researcher with the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, and other safety experts have started to realize, some workers in the newly burgeoning fracking industry may be at risk, too, because of their exposure to silica dust.

"When sand was handled ? that is, when it was transported by machines on site, or whenever these machines that move sand were refilled ? dust, visible dust was created," Esswein says.

Dust blows off a pile of fracking sand at a mine near Chippewa Falls, Wis., on Dec. 15, 2011. Some of the air samples the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health experts collected at fracking sites had such high levels of silica that the respirators typically worn by workers wouldn't offer enough protection, according to NIOSH standards.

Steve Karnowski/AP

Dust blows off a pile of fracking sand at a mine near Chippewa Falls, Wis., on Dec. 15, 2011. Some of the air samples the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health experts collected at fracking sites had such high levels of silica that the respirators typically worn by workers wouldn't offer enough protection, according to NIOSH standards.

Steve Karnowski/AP

He was visiting fracking sites because he wanted to study the potential chemical hazards for oil and gas workers, and he initially figured he and his colleagues would probably assess workers' exposures to chemicals like drilling fluids. But when he saw the plumes of dust coming off the sand-handling machines and surrounding workers, he realized it could be a real hazard. The government has long set limits on how much workers can inhale.

"Knowing what I know about silica and respirable dust, that was the particular chemical that we chose to look at," Esswein says.

He and his colleagues visited 11 fracking sites in five states: Arkansas, Colorado, North Dakota, Pennsylvania and Texas. At every site, the researchers found high levels of silica in the air. It turned out that 79 percent of the collected samples exceeded the recommended exposure limit set by Esswein's agency.

There were some controls in place, says Esswein, who notes that "at every site that we went to, workers wore respirators."

But about one-third of the air samples they collected had such high levels of silica, the type of respirators typically worn wouldn't offer enough protection.

These unexpected findings have come just as federal safety officials are trying to set stricter controls on silica for all industries. Some proposed new rules have been under review at the White House Office of Management and Budget for more than two years.

Peg Seminario, director of safety and health with the AFL-CIO, a group of unions that has been pushing for stronger silica regulation, says the situation with fracking is a wake-up call.

"Hopefully it will give some impetus for the need for the silica regulation ? that there is a whole other population at risk and those numbers are potentially growing," says Seminario.

A local contractor closes the valve on his tanker truck on July 27, 2011, after watering the roads to help keep down dust at a hydraulic fracturing operation in Claysville, Pa.

Keith Srakocic/AP

A local contractor closes the valve on his tanker truck on July 27, 2011, after watering the roads to help keep down dust at a hydraulic fracturing operation in Claysville, Pa.

Keith Srakocic/AP

Workplace inspectors with the Occupational Safety and Health Administration wouldn't have been aware of this potential risk for fracking workers before this recent study because, unless they receive a complaint or there's an accident, they generally don't see the process of hydraulic fracturing. That part of setting up a well happens quickly ? and once a well is up and running, contractors move on to the next one.

Government officials and the fracking industry say they're now working together to reduce workers' exposures. They started with quick fixes, like putting up warning signs and simply closing hatches on sand-moving machines.

Some oil and gas companies are also testing new technologies. Tim Hicks, a safety expert with Encana Corp., says they've been trying vacuum systems that attach to sand-moving machines and suck up the dust.

The results so far are encouraging, Hicks says, but his company is still testing to see how much of a reduction in airborne silica is reasonably achievable.

"We'd like to envision a site that, you know, we could handle sand and sequester it all, and perhaps someday not need to use respirators," says Hicks.

He says he's not sure whether that goal is possible, or how long it would take to get to that point. "But I can say that at the rate we're going," Hicks says, "we're much more likely to hit that [target] than we were prior to this issue being recognized."

Hicks says he has only been working in this part of the oil and gas business for a few years and couldn't speculate as to why the industry didn't recognize this potential health risk earlier. People, he says, seemed to think the dust was basically just dirt.


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Son of pro wrestler Ric Flair found dead

CHARLOTTE, N.C. (AP) ? Authorities say the son of professional wrestler Ric Flair has been found dead in a North Carolina hotel room.

Charlotte-Mecklenburg police says officers were called to a hotel on the city's south side around 10:30 a.m. Friday. When they arrived, they found the body of 25-year-old Reid Fliehr, who also was a wrestler.

A statement from police says there are no signs of foul play, and that the cause of death will be determined by the medical examiner's office.

Flair's agent released a statement Friday describing Reid as "an incredible son, brother, friend, and professional wrestler."

Ric Flair's real name is Richard Morgan Flair. The peroxide-blond wrestled for some 40 years and also was known as The Nature Boy.

The 64-year-old won many pro wrestling titles including in the WWE.


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Friday, March 29, 2013

U.K.'s First & Only 4G Network Reaches Half The Population Five Months After Launch, Says EE

4GEE logoThe first -- and still, the only -- 4G network in the U.K. is now available to half the U.K.'s homes and businesses. Carrier EE said today it has switched on the network in 13 more towns and cities to hit the 50% population coverage mark five months after the network went live. The company has previously said its network rollout would reach 55% of the population by June.


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This week alone, GOP calls Latinos ?wetbacks? and gays ?filthy? NAMBLA? pedophiles? (Americablog)

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Former US soldier accused of fighting with al Qaeda group in Syria

via YouTube

Video of US Army veteran Eric Harroun filming militants celebrating a crashed helicopter was cited in the FBI affadavit. This clip has not been edited or verified by NBC News.

By Ian Johnston, Staff Writer, NBC News

A former U.S. soldier has been charged with fighting with an al Qaeda group in Syria after allegedly posting photographs of himself posing with military hardware on the internet, officials said in a statement.

Eric Harroun, 30, of Phoenix, Ariz., was accused of using a rocket-propelled grenade while fighting with the al-Nusrah Front, an alias of al Qaeda in Iraq, according to a statement issued on Thursday by the U.S. Attorney?s Office in the Eastern District of Virginia.

?Harroun, a U.S. citizen who served with the U. S. Army from 2000 to 2003, was charged by criminal complaint with conspiring to use a destructive device outside of the United States, which carries a maximum penalty of life in prison, if convicted,? the statement said.

?According to an affidavit filed in support of the criminal complaint, Harroun allegedly crossed into Syria in January 2013 and fought with members of the al-Nusrah Front against the Bashar al-Assad regime in Syria,? it added. ?The affidavit alleges that Harroun was trained to use an RPG by members of the terrorist organization and that he fired an RPG and posted online multiple photographs of himself carrying or posing with RPGs and other military weapons.?

?Harroun allegedly participated in attacks led by the al-Nusrah Front and was part of an RPG team, for which he carried anti-personnel and anti-armor rockets,? it said.

600 terrorist attacks
Al Qaeda in Iraq has been designated as a foreign terrorist organization since October 2004.

?The al-Nusrah Front is one of several aliases used by the 'al Qa?ida in Iraq' terrorist organization, and since November 2011 the group has claimed responsibility for nearly 600 terrorist attacks in Syria,? the statement said.

U.S. officials have called for Assad to step down in Syria and have offered non-lethal support to the rebels, but there is concern about militant groups like al Qaeda affiliates fighting alongside other rebel forces.

Israel fears al Qaeda elements will establish themselves close to the border and threaten to fire chemical weapons and long-range rockets captured from the Syrian army into Israel.

The statement said Harroun appeared in a federal court in Alexandria, Va., Thursday.

Harroun was arrested on Wednesday upon returning to the United States at an airport outside Washington, Reuters said. He has a hearing scheduled for Tuesday, the U.S. Attorney's office said.

He was medically discharged from the army after being injured in a car accident, according to an affidavit in support of a criminal complaint, Reuters reported.

The criminal charge of "conspiring to use a destructive device outside of the United States" carries a maximum penalty of life in prison.

Harroun appeared in two videos that indicated he was engaged in military action with rebel forces against the Syrian government, Reuters reported. In one video, he said: "Bashar al-Assad, your days are numbered. ... Where(ever) you go we will find you and kill you," according to the affidavit.

In March, the FBI conducted three voluntary interviews of Harroun at the U.S. Consulate in Istanbul, during which he stated that he wanted to fight with the Free Syrian Army against the Assad regime, the affidavit added.

Harroun allegedly told the FBI that during his fighting in Syria he shot about 10 people but did not know whether he killed any of them, the affidavit said, according to Reuters. He also said he hated al Qaeda and did not know any al Qaeda members, the affidavit said. On Wednesday in the United States, the FBI conducted another voluntary interview during which Harroun allegedly said that he knew the al-Nusrah Front had been designated a terrorist organization, according to the affidavit.

The U.S. Attorney's office said a lawyer would be appointed for Harroun, Reuters reported.

Reuters contributed to this report.


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Thursday, March 28, 2013

Define your boundaries at work: work/life balance ? Business ...

While you may have to do some things you don?t love on the job, you shouldn?t have to continually operate outside your comfort zone, says Mike Figliuolo, author of One Piece of Paper: The Simple Approach to Powerful, Personal Leadership.

Try to establish a line that you won?t cross or allow others to cross with you. Since everyone?s line is different, the only way people will know about your line is to teach them about it and let them know your limits, within the boundaries of your boss/admin relationship.

First, define those limits. Figliuolo suggests you take some time to write down answers to these questions to help you out.

  • What kind of work is required for you to be happy with your job? Which specific tasks or activities do you find the most fulfilling?
  • What kind of work or tasks would you love to eliminate from your daily routine?
  • Which characteristics of your job would you like to maintain at all costs (e.g., flexibility, predictability, ambiguity, simplicity, complexity, independence)? In what kind of environment are you most productive?
  • What characteristics of your job would you like to eliminate (e.g., flexibility, complexity, etc.)? In which environments are you unproductive or unhappy?
  • How do you prefer your co-workers, bosses, and team members to interact with you? How do you prefer they not interact? What pet peeves do you have regarding how others treat you?
  • Do you know someone who has an outstanding balance of doing work they are thrilled with compared to work they do not enjoy? How do they achieve that mix? What can you change about your own approach to work to better emulate them?
  • Has there ever been a point in life where you had a good work/life balance? What were the circumstances surrounding that situation that made it work? ?? ??? ?

? Adapted from ?How to Set Better Boundaries at Work,? Mike Figliuolo, Thought Leaders.

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U.S. halts Chinese IT purchases over hack attacks

The U.S. has taken its first real swipe at China following accusations that the Beijing government is behind a widespread and systemic hacking campaign targeting U.S. businesses.

Buried in a spending bill signed by President Barack Obama on Tuesday is a provision that effectively bars much of the federal government from buying information technology made by companies linked to the Chinese government.

It's unclear what impact the legislation will have, or whether it will turn out to be a symbolic gesture. The provision only affects certain non-defense government agency budgets between now and Sept. 30, when the fiscal year ends. It also allows for exceptions if an agency head determines that buying the technology is "in the national interest of the United States."

Still, the rule could upset U.S. allies whose businesses rely on Chinese manufacturers for parts and pave the way for broader, more permanent changes in how the U.S. government buys technology.

"This is a change of direction," said Stuart Baker, a former senior official at the Homeland Security Department now with the legal firm Steptoe and Johnson in Washington. "My guess is we're going to keep going in this direction for a while."

In March, the U.S. computer security firm Mandiant released details on what it said was an aggressive hacking campaign on American businesses by a Chinese military unit. Since then, Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew has used high-level meetings with Beijing officials to press the matter. Beijing has denied the allegations.

Congressional leaders have promised to push comprehensive legislation that would make it easier for industry to share threat data with the government. But those efforts have been bogged down amid concerns that too much of U.S. citizens' private information could end up in the hands of the federal government.

As Congress and privacy advocates debate a way ahead, lawmakers tucked "section 516" into the latest budget resolution, which enables the government to pay for day-to day operations for the rest of the fiscal year. The provision specifically prohibits the Commerce and Justice departments, NASA and the National Science Foundation from buying an information technology system that is "produced, manufactured or assembled" by any entity that is "owned, operated or subsidized" by the People's Republic of China.

The agencies can only acquire the technology if, in consulting with the FBI, they determine that there is no risk of "cyberespionage or sabotage associated with the acquisition of the system," according to the legislation.

The move might sound like a no-brainer. If U.S. industry and intelligence officials are right, and China is stealing America's corporate secrets at a breathtaking pace, why reward Beijing with lucrative U.S. contracts? Furthermore, why install technical equipment that could potentially give China a secret backdoor into federal systems?

But a blanket prohibition on technology made by the Chinese government may be easier said than done. Information systems are often a complicated assembly of parts manufactured by different companies around the globe. And investigating where each part came from, and if that part is made by a company that could have ties to the Chinese government could be difficult.

Depending on how the Obama administration interprets the law, Baker said it could cause problems for the U.S. with the World Trade Organization, whose members include U.S. allies like Germany and Britain that might rely on Chinese technology to build computers or handsets.

But in the end, Baker says it could make the U.S. government safer and wiser.

"We do have to worry about buying equipment from companies that may not have our best interests at heart," he said.


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Obama: 'Shame on us' if Newtown is forgotten

FILE - In this Jan. 21, 2013 photo, Emma Clyman, 5, of Manhattan, holds a sign that reads "No More Newtowns" outside city hall park during the One Million Moms for Gun Control Rally in New York. Despite a proposal backed by over 8 in 10 people in polls, gun control supporters are struggling to win over moderate Democrats in their drive to push expanded background checks of firearms purchasers through the Senate next month. (AP Photo/John Minchillo, File)

FILE - In this Jan. 21, 2013 photo, Emma Clyman, 5, of Manhattan, holds a sign that reads "No More Newtowns" outside city hall park during the One Million Moms for Gun Control Rally in New York. Despite a proposal backed by over 8 in 10 people in polls, gun control supporters are struggling to win over moderate Democrats in their drive to push expanded background checks of firearms purchasers through the Senate next month. (AP Photo/John Minchillo, File)

FILE - In this May 19, 2011 file photo, Chairman Mark Pryor, D-Ark., speaks during a hearing of the Subcommittee on Consumer Protection, Product Safety, and Insurance on cell phone privacy on Capitol Hill in Washington. Despite a proposal backed by over 8 in 10 people in polls, gun control supporters are struggling to win over moderate Democrats like Pryor in their drive to push expanded background checks of firearms purchasers through the Senate next month. (AP Photo/Alex Brandon, File)

FILE - In this Nov. 6, 2012 file photo, Sen.-elect Heidi Heitkamp, D-N.D., address her supporters in Bismarck, N.D. Despite a proposal backed by over 8 in 10 people in polls, gun control supporters are struggling to win over moderate Democrats like Heitkamp in their drive to push expanded background checks of firearms purchasers through the Senate next month. (AP Photo/Will Kincaid, File)

WASHINGTON (AP) ? President Barack Obama urged lawmakers Thursday to remember the children gunned down in America and not "get squishy" in the face of powerful forces against gun control legislation, as supporters struggle to win over moderate Democrats before a Senate vote expected next month.

Obama, flanked by grim-faced mothers who have lost their children to guns, said Washington must do something after the tragic mass shooting in Newtown, Conn., three months ago. He called out to the families of four children killed at Sandy Hook Elementary School sitting in his audience.

"Shame on us if we've forgotten," Obama said. "I haven't forgotten those kids."

Obama's event comes as gun control legislation faces an uncertain future, even though more than 80 percent of people say in polling they support expanded background checks. Backed by a $12 million TV advertising campaign financed by New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, gun control groups scheduled rallies around the country Thursday aimed at pressuring senators to back the effort.

Obama said the upcoming vote is the best chance in more than a decade to reduce gun violence. He encouraged Americans, especially gun owners, to press lawmakers home from a congressional spring break to "turn that heartbreak into something real."

"Don't get squishy because time has passed and it's not on the news every single day," Obama said.

Moderate Senate Democrats like Mark Pryor of Arkansas and Heidi Heitkamp of North Dakota are shunning Bloomberg as a meddling outsider while stressing their allegiance to their own voters' views and to gun rights. While saying they are keeping an open mind and that they support keeping guns from criminals and people with mental disorders, some moderates are avoiding specific commitments they might regret later.

"I do not need someone from New York City to tell me how to handle crime in our state. I know that we can go after and prosecute criminals without the need to infringe upon the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding North Dakotans," Heitkamp said this week, citing the constitutional right to bear arms.

Heitkamp does not face re-election next year, but Pryor and five other Senate Democrats from Republican-leaning or closely divided states do. All six, from Southern and Western states, will face voters whose deep attachment to guns is unshakeable ? not to mention opposition from the still-potent National Rifle Association, should they vote for restrictions the NRA opposes.

"We have a politically savvy and a loyal voting bloc, and the politicians know that," said Andrew Arulanandam, spokesman for the NRA, which claims nearly 5 million paying members.

The heart of the Senate gun bill will be expanded requirements for federal background checks for gun buyers, the remaining primary proposal pushed by Obama and many Democrats since 20 first-graders and six women were shot to death in December at an elementary school in Newtown, Conn. Senate Democratic leader Harry Reid of Nevada has said there aren't enough votes to approve a ban on assault weapons, while prospects are uncertain for a prohibition on large-capacity ammunition magazines.

Today, the background checks apply only to sales by the nation's roughly 55,000 federally licensed gun dealers. Not covered are private transactions like those at gun shows and online. The Senate measure is still evolving as Sens. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., Joe Manchin, D-W.Va., and Mark Kirk, R-Ill., use Congress' two-week recess to negotiate for additional support in both parties.

Expanding background checks to include gun show sales got 84 percent support in an Associated Press-GfK poll earlier this year. Near-universal background checks have received similar or stronger support in other national polls.

Polls in some Southern states have been comparable. March surveys by the Quinnipiac University Polling Institute found more than 9 in 10 people in Florida and Virginia backing expanded background checks, the same margin found by an Elon University Poll in North Carolina in February.

Analysts say people support more background checks because they consider it an extension of the existing system. That doesn't translate to unvarnished support from lawmakers, in part because the small but vocal minorities who oppose broader background checks and other gun restrictions tend to be driven voters that politicians are reluctant to alienate.

"It's probably true that intense, single-issue gun voters have been more likely to turn out than folks who want common-sense gun laws," said Mark Glaze, director of Mayors Against Illegal Guns, the group that Bloomberg helps lead. Glaze, however, said he believes that voters favoring gun restrictions have become more motivated since Newtown and other recent mass shootings.

Several moderate Democrats are holding back as they assess the political landscape. They're also waiting to see exactly what the Senate will consider.

Sen. Mark Begich, D-Alaska, said Wednesday his state's voters tell him, "Don't take away our rights, our individual rights, our guns." Begich said he opposes a strict proposal requiring background checks for nearly all gun sales but will wait to see whether there is a bipartisan compromise he can support.

The problems faced by gun control supporters go beyond the challenge of winning over moderate Democrats. GOP opponents are sure to force Democrats to get 60 of the Senate's 100 votes to win, and there are only 53 Democrats plus two independents who generally support them.

Also targeted by Bloomberg's ads are 10 Republicans, including Sen. Jeff Flake of Arizona, home of ex-Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, who was severely wounded in a mass shooting; the retiring Sen. Saxby Chambliss of Georgia; and moderate Sen. Susan Collins of Maine.

In another indicator of hurdles facing gun control forces, the Senate voted 50-49 last week to require 60 votes for any legislation narrowing gun rights. The proposal lost because 60 votes in favor were required, but six Democrats voted for the proposal, offered by conservative Sen. Mike Lee, R-Utah.

"It confirms there's no such thing as an easy gun vote," said Jim Kessler, a senior vice president of the centrist Democratic group Third Way.

The gun bill also increases penalties for illegal gun sales and slightly boosts aid for school safety.

More abrupt changes like an assault weapons ban generally get slight majorities in polls. Democratic leaders decided to omit it from the Senate bill because such a provision lacks enough votes.


AP writer Nedra Pickler contributed to this report.

Associated Press


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New Audi A3 Sedan and hot 300 hp S3 Sedan unveiled

Audi A3 Limousine

This is a car whose arrival we saw from a mile away. Previewed twice in 2011 (here and here) and again last week, the Audi A3 Sedan has finally broken cover ahead of the New York Motor Show before being given its public debut in Shanghai next month.

What came as a surprise is the joint unveiling of the S3 Sedan alongside the standard models. Now, Audi has never been shy of stretching out its car launches to multiple motor shows: the third-generation A3 was first shown in three-door form at Geneva last year, followed by the A3 Sportback and S3 in Paris six month later, while we had to wait till this year to see the S3 Sportback.

Offered in a booted form for the first time, the A3 Sedan follows the four-door coupe formula rather than a traditional three-box sedan. The boot is kept short, with the cabin glasshouse stretched backwards to enhance the visual effect. The wheel arches have been widened too, making it appear lower to the ground and more planted.

Audi A3 Limousine

It is 150 mm longer, 11 mm wider but 9 mm lower than the A3 Sportback, with a long 2640 mm wheelbase and short overhangs. The designers are particularly proud of the ?tornado line? element across the car, a light-refracting edge that hides the visual bulk of the car?s rear end. It hides its hatchback roots rather well, despite having a high boot line.

The front end of the car gets a unique bumper with wider slats and more horizontal elements. Full LED headlights are an option. Round the back, the bootlid acts as a rear spoiler, whole the tapered rear lamps are designed to make the A3 Sedan appear lower and more athletic. It sits on the latest MQB platform, and with the smallest engine fitted (1.4 TFSI), weights just 1,250 kg.

Other than updated interior graphics, the dashboard is carried over whole from its hatchback siblings. The seating accommodation is identical to that of the five-door Sportback, but the Sedan has a bigger cargo area with the seats up.

Audi S3 Limousine

Three engine choices are available from the get go: 1.4 TFSI with COD (cylinder on demand) making 140 hp/250 Nm, 1.8 TFSI with 180 hp and 250Nm, plus a 150 hp/320Nm 2.0 TDI, all mated to either a six-speed manual or dual-clutch S-tronic transmission. 0-100 km/h figure for each model is 8.4, 7.3 and 8.7 seconds respectively.

The S3 Sedan on the other hand uses the same 2.0 TFSI engine with 300 hp and 380 Nm found in other S3 models with a quattro all-wheel drive system. With the optional S-tronic ?box it dips below five seconds for the 0-100 km/h sprint. It takes 0.4 seconds longer (5.3 seconds) with a manual transmission. Top speed, as usual, is limited to 250 km/h.

Mechanical differentiators include 25 mm lower ride height with sports suspension, beefier brakes and variable-ratio electric power steering. Visually, the top model is distinguished by modifications to the bumpers, the singleframe grille, air intakes, side sills and rear spoiler. S-model hallmark such as the four tailpipes and silver exterior mirror housings are present too.

GALLERY: Audi A3 Sedan

GALLERY: Audi S3 Sedan



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Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Obamacare's voter-registration conspiracy debunked

Mar 26 (Reuters) - Leading money winners on the 2013 PGATour on Monday (U.S. unless stated): 1. Tiger Woods $3,787,600 2. Brandt Snedeker $2,859,920 3. Matt Kuchar $2,154,500 4. Steve Stricker $1,820,000 5. Phil Mickelson $1,650,260 6. Hunter Mahan $1,553,965 7. John Merrick $1,343,514 8. Dustin Johnson $1,330,507 9. Russell Henley $1,313,280 10. Kevin Streelman $1,310,343 11. Keegan Bradley $1,274,593 12. Charles Howell III $1,256,373 13. Michael Thompson $1,254,669 14. Brian Gay $1,171,721 15. Justin Rose $1,155,550 16. Jason Day $1,115,565 17. Chris Kirk $1,097,053 18. ...


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Tuesday, March 26, 2013

An Unsentimental Look at Joy, Meaning, and Safer Health Care ...

Boston, MA, March 26, 2013--Health care workers are experiencing an epidemic of demoralization, fatigue, and risk of injury that threatens not only their safety, but the safety of the patients under their care. That?s the central premise of Through the Eyes of the Workforce: Creating Joy, Meaning, and Safer Health Care, the latest white paper from the Lucian Leape Institute at NPSF. During a well-attended webcast on March 19, members of the Leape Institute Roundtable that produced the paper discussed the issue and proposed pathways to improvement.

Julianne Morath, RN, MS, an internationally recognized authority on patient safety and a founding member of the Leape Institute, began the program with evidence suggesting widespread dissatisfaction with health care as a workplace. For example, 60% of those responding to a survey of physicians said they are considering leaving practice, while 37% of newly licensed nurses are thinking of leaving their jobs.

Ms. Morath noted the dual problems of physical and psychological harm. In the former category, needlestick injuries, back injuries from lifting patients, and the exposure to chemicals all place health care workers at greater risk of injury. Psychological harm is rampant, with lack of respect, lack of support, and production pressures all adding to an environment short on joy and meaning.

?People working under stress, and in the absence of psychological safety, are found to be less vigilant with regard to safety practices, both for patients and for themselves,? she said.

Workplace safety, Ms. Morath said, is a precondition for joy and meaning in work. ?These are not sentimental notions,? she added. ?The costs of inaction are significant.?

David Michaels, PhD, MPH, assistant secretary of labor for occupational safety and health, US Department of Labor, was among the presenters. He pointed out that many people are surprised to learn that health care workers experience the highest rates of injury and illness in the country. ?The same lessons that we know from manufacturing, from construction, to reduce injury and illness are the ones that can be applied to health care,? he said.

Improving the situation will require leadership commitment, robust systems of reporting and evaluating risk, and the evolution of the health care culture from one of disrespect to one of healthy teamwork.

Also speaking during yesterday?s program were Paul O?Neill, former chairman and CEO of Alcoa and the 72nd Secretary of the US Treasury, who has been involved in health and safety issues for much of his professional life, and Sandy Shea, policy director, Committee of Interns and Residents/SEIU Healthcare.

Questions posed to the panel covered a range of concerns, one being that health care organizations? primary focus is ?generating revenue.? How, then, to get leadership to understand the importance of this issue?

?It doesn?t cost more money to be respectful,? said Mr. O?Neill. ?It doesn?t cost more money to investigate things gone wrong in real time.?

In response to a concern about employees? fears of reporting, Ms. Shea suggested that managers and supervisors, ?need to model good, responsible, conscientious behavior. You have to communicate that it?s a safe environment for reporting.?

Through the Eyes of the Workforce recommends seven broad actions that organizations should pursue if they are serious about improvements in this area.

This topic is one of five transforming concepts identified by the Leape Institute as areas requiring system-level attention and action to improve patient safety. The white paper is the result of two interdisciplinary roundtables and focus groups held on the topic.

To read more or download the white paper or the webcast audio and presentation slides, click here.

If you would like to send your thoughts on this work to the Leape Institute members, visit our online comment form.

Workers who want to contact the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) can call a toll-free number: 1-800-321-OSHA (6742); TTY 1-877-889-5627. For additional information on worker rights, people should visit the OSHA website.

Read answers to questions that did not get addressed during the webinar.

AP sources: SD Sen. Johnson won't seek re-election (The Arizona Republic)

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Osborne defends austerity, says on right track

Mar 26 (Reuters) - Leading money winners on the 2013 PGATour on Monday (U.S. unless stated): 1. Tiger Woods $3,787,600 2. Brandt Snedeker $2,859,920 3. Matt Kuchar $2,154,500 4. Steve Stricker $1,820,000 5. Phil Mickelson $1,650,260 6. Hunter Mahan $1,553,965 7. John Merrick $1,343,514 8. Dustin Johnson $1,330,507 9. Russell Henley $1,313,280 10. Kevin Streelman $1,310,343 11. Keegan Bradley $1,274,593 12. Charles Howell III $1,256,373 13. Michael Thompson $1,254,669 14. Brian Gay $1,171,721 15. Justin Rose $1,155,550 16. Jason Day $1,115,565 17. Chris Kirk $1,097,053 18. ...


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Monday, March 25, 2013

Inside Sales Manager - Flexsource - - Jobs in Ireland. Irish ...



Contact: Flexsource

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Fax: 01 6147278

Flexsource - Inside Sales Manager

Location: Dublin 24
Salary: 55,000 - 70,000
Job type: Permanent, Full-time
Job description

Inside Sales Manager - Dublin South

CPL have an Immediate requirement for a Talented Inside Sales Manager to work with a leading Telecoms company based in Dublin South.

Job description: The Inside Sales Manager is to ensure the successful delivery of sales revenues through strong leadership and management skills along with exceptionally strong communication and coaching skills.? The successful Manager will have a proven track record of managing successful Sales Teams and multiple clients and their expectations, ideally within the Telecoms industry.

The successful Sales Manager therefore will:

  • Have?a minimum of 3 ? 5 years management / leadership experience leading and?coaching ?successful sales teams in?a target driven environment.
  • Have??previous experience within an account management environment in sales?and/or customer service centres
  • Have good experience/understanding of metrics, politics and have experience of building relationships with director and big corporate (clients)
  • Be?focused and driven by sales growth but committed to outstanding customer services executing objective performance reporting of all sales staff
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  • Have?exceptional ability to coach, motivate and lead a team but whilst being?able to quickly identify and address behavioural issues.
  • Have?a proven Track Record - consistent target (over) achievement within the?last two years, preferably in a Sales environment
  • Experience?of the volume business including comprehensive interaction with numerous sales channels?
  • Must?be able to work independently, and prioritize both revenue generating and non-revenue generating activities
  • Strong objection handling skills and strong ability to actively listen and?determine customer needs and mentor staff accordingly
  • Strong organizational skills, discipline, attention to detail, high energy and a??can do? attitude, balance multiple tasks
  • Highly?motivated, competitive, self-starter with a strong sense of urgency
  • Confidence?to interact with ?C? level executives
  • Good?negotiation skills & focus on delivering CSAT
  • Detailed?understanding of the product portfolio & the ability to articulate the value of these products
  • Fluency?in English is required;
  • Third? Level (University) Qualification preferred
  • Be?familiar with the use of Social Media


? Excellent base Salary ?55,000 with realistic OTE ?70,000 +

This is an exciting opportunity to work with a leading multinational company based in Dublin South

Position is a 6 month fixed term contract initially for a new Project and interviews are taking place immediately.

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Tuition! Tuition! Tuition! | The Daily Runner

Editor's Picks

Posted by Jenn Wakefield
Mar 24, 2013

From one student to another, how to pay without the stress.

by Autumn Edwards

For those of entering or continuing your education at your desired institution, it?s never too early or late to emphasize the multiple options for paying for tuition. Of course, college is fun and a great way to get involved in the community but it can also be costly due to paying for housing + living expenses + books + spending money + all the extra stuff in between!?! Woah! Can you say ?expensive much?!?

The cost of tuitCollege Tuitionion will only pile up as the years progress regulates on the type of classes and credits a student is required to take. However the stress a college student experiences may or may not increase depending on how they handle the situation. Learning to grasp the situation before it goes out of control can make a world of a difference on the left over balance, if any. To make sure that all incoming and already enrolled students won?t stress and start pulling their hair out, here a few helpful tips:

First and foremost, apply for FAFSA (Federal Student Aid) if you haven?t done so already. Why, because FAFSA uses the data that you put in to help calculate and estimate your finances for your future education. ( ) And yes I know, ?this again?? is what some of you may be thinking, ?Didn?t I do this when applying for college?? and yes some of you may have however one never knows if and when the semester tuition payment options or one?s living situation may change. So to make sure one is fully prepared, take some time to apply or update anyway and for those who have applied, double check for accuracy.


Secondly, this is one everyone has been told and should know, but if not here it is, make sure to visit the Financial Aid Office at your college and speak to your financial advisor. Doing so can help you better understand the options of how and what you are paying for in reference to tuition. Students are able to apply for all types of financial aid opportunities, such as:

  • Military Aid (which helps pay for at least $200 of one?s book fees at Regent University)
  • Yearly Scholarships
    • There are several scholarships sites that are extremely helpful and offer scholarships that don?t require much. (Hint: if you fill out a profile with interests in school, hobbies and future career, the sites will help by setting up great matches) Here are a few great sites to visit:
  • Government Grants
  • Student Loans
    • If one must take out a loan make sure that the loan will cover a good part of your tuition, but hey, don?t go overboard. The more the loan covers the more you have to pay back in credit. So as a reminder make sure you take out only what you can pay later on.
      • Federal Loans
      • Private Loans
      • PLUS loans
      • Subsidized and Unsubsidized loans
      • V-Tag
  • Payment Installment Plan
    • Ask your school about their payment plan. Paying in installments can help ease the pressure of having to pay all at once. By paying over a four month period you?ll have more time to collect the necessary funds to pay a little at a time

?Is that all?? Hardly, there are several other ways you can apply to receive money for college. Although students may or will need to create a resume in order to give to a company or organization, so if you need help ask someone in the Career Services to guide you through the process offering the scholarship or grant:

  • Church Organizations
    • If you are affiliated with a church, check and see if they offer scholarships and if not go out and check other churches within the area to see if they offer any. Some may require you to a member while others will ask for a resume and transcripts as part of the application selection
  • Local Foundations
  • Credit Unions
  • Donors
    • There are plenty of people who head corporations who would like to offer promising students money for college. For example banks, department stores, and car companies may offer opportunities just right for you.
      • Also, make sure to check out your state?s or city?s website for any scholarship offerings made throughout the year.

And thirdly, learn how to budget and save money. It may not sound like much but trust and believe learning how to do this will save not only money but also time in the future. By either taking a job or selling things that you can?t or won?t use anymore, such as text books or personal items, can benefit you greatly in gaining start up funds for the next semester. Also a great way to learn about saving and spending while in college is by visiting the sites of Dave Ramsey?s Foundations in Personal Finance.

Dave Ramsey is known as a ?financial guru?, his books, and radio talk show focus on the main issues of paying for college, getting out of debt and ways to save for the future. Here are some helpful sites to visit:

Hopefully this is information will be beneficial to you in going about paying for college and saving for the future. Always remember that there is more than one way to solve a problem if you just ask the right questions.


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