Tuesday, November 27, 2012

What Does A Great Internet Email Marketing Strategy Look Like ...

Any marketing expert that has delved into the online world has undoubtedly? heard the phrase ?the money is in the list.? If you are new to the online world? let me break down this phrase very simply for you. It is the process of building? an extremely hyperactive email database of subscribers that have opted in to? your promotions, and then helping this list to solve their problems in exchange? for something of monetary value.

For example, I successfully build a list of 10000 subscribers and over 30? days deliver an email campaign to them of extremely valuable information. In? each email I include a statement that asks them to take action in some small way? (referred to as a ?call to action?), until finally they decide at some point to? do business with me in some way. This is the bare essentials of what an internet? email marketing strategy looks like, before it?s dressed up of course.

I want to point out the power of having a list for your internet email? marketing strategy. So let?s take that list of 10000 subscribers and assume only? 5% of them end up clicking through on an email link and making a purchase. Well,? that?s 500 people, and even at just $5 profit per person most people could leave? their full-time jobs on that income.

The first thing I would suggest you do as a newbie to email marketing is sign? up for an auto responder that integrates into Word Press. I personally use Aweber,? but there are other services that also come highly recommended; iContact and? Mailchimp to name a couple. If you are on a tight budget I recommend going with? Mailchimp since services like this are free. Another service I use is MLSP (my? lead system pro), which offers a generic autoresponder email series for? beginners before they have built their campaign.

The next thing for creating an internet email marketing strategy is actually? developing a series of emails for your new list members. I personally created 30? emails on all manners of subjects related to my industry, all focused on my warm? market. I am currently working on a second 30 day campaign for my cold market,? since they will have a different mind-set when it comes to what I have to share? with them. I prefer to follow the likes of Pat Flynn over at? SmartPassiveIncome.com since I can relate to his style more than others. When I? first started receiving emails from other gurus one of the main things that? really turned me off was the solicitation for their info products in every email? I received. It just seemed self-centered and pushy, which is why I vowed never? to implement that type of strategy.

What I strongly recommend you do is subscribe to 4 or 5 different gurus and? collect a week?s worth of their email series. This will give you a great idea on? how to write good copy when you develop your email series. I?ve always lived by? the philosophy that you should do what the best are doing, rather than what they? are telling you. It has seemed to work out so far in my online efforts so I? doubt I?ll change that mind-set any time soon.

I want to share a story with you before I end this post. The reason I share? this is because it was one of those ?moments of impact? that occurred to me in? my online journey. I had received an email from a powerhouse guru in my early? learning stages which invited me to a seminar on how to utilize internet? marketing with MLM. I signed up by registering and eagerly awaited the webinar a? few days later. The email had promised all the answers I would ever need to? build a successful online business. When the webinar started I sat through? approximately 20 minutes of ?here was my struggle? storytelling before getting? to any detail (this is very common, unfortunately). The last 30 minutes of the 1? hour webinar basically outlined a ?made-up? strategy with fancy equations? explaining how to go about succeeding online. However, no details were really? offered.

What a waste of time, right? Oh, and I almost forgot, the last 2 minutes? offered an info product with the ?exact strategy? necessary to win. Can you? guess what my thoughts were? If you said ?bite me? you?d be correct. I asked? myself, is this really how these guys are doing this and making all this money?? From that point on I VOWED, I mean seriously VOWED, NEVER to do that to anyone.? See you don?t have to do EVERYTHING the gurus do to be good at marketing, just? the things that resonate with you.

The most interesting part of the webinar was the fact that it was set up for? interacting with the host near the end for a Q&A type session. This allowed? viewers to type in questions and get answers from the host. The moment of impact? I referred to earlier occurred when I actually had a chance to converse with the? guru (who actually did answer my questions).

Below I outline a generic script of what was said:

Jason: So do you do house plans or actually sit down with people as part of? your marketing efforts?

Guru: No, I haven?t done that in years, it?s too slow.

Jason: How do you train your leaders and really get to know them then?

Guru: I don?t. I focus on building a huge list and exploiting it.

Jason: Oh?

I probably should have left at that point, but finished out the seminar. I? had to digest the exchange and figure out what he really said before finally? realizing all he really cared about was exactly what he said: exploiting people.? Now I?ll be the first to admit seminars are extremely effective from what I?ve? seen. With that being said though, there is definitely an honest, and dishonest? way of hosting them. I recommend giving people exactly what they want in a? webinar. But that?s just me, so I guess I?m just a little old-fashioned?

To summarize what a great email marketing strategy looks like I?ve bulleted? what I think are important points below:

  1. Subscribe to 4 or 5 guru email series and study them in detail.
  2. Build your own 30 day email series for your cold market and warm market.
  3. Sign up for an autoresponder like Aweber or iContact.
  4. Begin building your? list through the marketing means you most enjoy. Blogging, article marketing,? solo ads, apps, podcasting, etc.
  5. Offer great value to your list in each? email, helping them solve some problem they are facing. Limit the amount of? pushiness you incorporate into your emails. Connect with them personally and? respond to 1 on 1 emails when you have time.
  6. Have fun and be honest!


Source: http://traceytebraake.wordpress.com/2012/11/26/what-does-a-great-internet-email-marketing-strategy-look-like/

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