Saturday, March 31, 2012

Gene's Blog ? Blog Archive ? Friday Silliness - The New Boss - and ...



Note: To view Gene?s Blogs posted before January 2011, just visit the ?Articles? and ?Odds ?N Ends? sections of NuPathz at


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A large company, feeling it was time for a shakeup, hired a new CEO. The new boss was determined to rid the company of all slackers. On?a tour of the facilities, the CEO noticed a guy leaning on a wall. The?room was full of workers and he wanted to let them know that he meant business.


He walked up to the guy leaning against the wall and asked, ?How much money do you make a week??


A little surprised, the young man looked at him and replied, ?I?make $400 a week. Why??


The CEO then handed the guy $1,600 in cash and screamed, ?Here?s four weeks? pay, now GET OUT and don?t come back.?


Feeling pretty good about himself, the CEO looked around the room and asked, ?Does anyone want to tell me what that goof-ball did here??


From across the room came a voice,


?Pizza delivery guy from Domino?s.?








During a recent publicity outing, Jennifer sneaked off to visit a fortune teller of some local repute. In a dark and hazy room, peering into a crystal ball, the mystic delivered grave news.


?There?s no easy way to say this, so I?ll just be blunt: Prepare yourself to be a widow. Your husband will die a violent and horrible death this year.?


Visibly shaken, Jennifer stared at the woman?s lined face, then at the single flickering candle, then down at her hands. She took a few deep breaths to compose herself. She simply had to know.


She met the fortune teller?s gaze, steadied her voice, and asked her question.


?Will I be acquitted?








Three old mischievous Grandmas were sitting on a bench outside a nursing home. About then an old Grandpa walked by, and one of the old Grandma?s yelled out saying, ?We bet we can tell exactly how old you are.?


The old man said, ?There ain?t no way you can guess it, you old fools.?


One of the old Grandmas said, ?Sure we can! Just drop your under shorts and we can tell your exact age.?


Embarrassed just a little, he dropped his drawers. The Grandmas asked him to turn around a couple of times, asked him to jump up and down for a little while and then they all piped up and said, ?You?re 84 years old!?


?How in the world did you guess??


The old Grandmas snickered and laughed. Slapping their knees and grinning from ear to ear, all three happily yelled in unison, ?Because we were at your birthday party yesterday.?








A father asked his 10-year old son if he knew about the birds and the bees.


?I don?t want to know,? the child said, bursting into tears.? ?Promise me you won?t tell me.?


Confused, the father asked what was wrong.


The boy sobbed, ?When I was six, I got the ?There?s no Easter Bunny? speech.
At seven, I got the ?There?s no Tooth Fairy? speech.


When I was eight, you hit me with the ?There?s no Santa? speech.


If you?re going to tell me that grown-ups don?t really get laid, I?ll have nothing left to live for.?






And remember to take some time out every day just for you, to count your blessings, hug your loved ones and enjoy life?s wonders.? I hope you have a really great day!





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[ [ [['A JetBlue flight from New York to Las Vegas', 3]], '', '[Related: View photos of the JetBlue plane in Amarillo]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['Afghan security forces and police killed three', 3]], '', '[Related: Bales\' wife on his alleged shooting: \'He would not do that\']', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['looking for fireworks between the opposing camps', 16]], '', '[RELATED:\?It?s going to be a circus\?: Activists begin protests outside Supreme Court]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['entirely respectable way to put off the searing constitutional controversy', 8]], '', '[RELATED: Obama\?s health care law passed 2 years ago, but where are we now\?]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['Witnesses said the gunman pulled up on a black scooter', 7]], '', '[Related: New York police tighten security at Jewish sites]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['test Zimmerman for alcohol or drugs', 11]], '', '[Related: White House says Trayvon Martin is local issue]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['Trayvon Martin decked the Neighborhood', 7]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '512', ' ', 'AP/David Goldman', ], [ [['Can you create commerce in order to regulate it', 9]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '630', ' ', 'AP/Charles Dharapak', ], [ [['associated with such a small earthquake', 4]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '630', ' ', 'AP Photo/Carrie Antlfinger', ], [ [['Fox News host Geraldo Rivera sparked outrage', 3]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '630', ' ', 'AP Photo/John Minchillo', ], [ [['The charges signed against Bales include', 1]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '512', ' ', 'AP Photo/DVIDS\, Spc\. Ryan Hallock\, File', ], [ [['George Zimmerman, if I had a son', 6]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '500', ' ', 'AP Photo/John Minchillo', ], [ [['Mohamed Merah', 10], ['prosecutor Francois Molins', 5]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '630', ' ', 'REUTERS/Jean-Paul Pelissier', ], [ [['Shortly after he wrapped up his victory remarks', 2]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '500', ' ', 'AP Photo/Steven Senne', ], [ [['best understands the problems of average Americans', 2]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '500', ' ', 'AP Photo/Steven Senne', ], [ [['Group for Historic Aircraft Recovery', 7]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '630', ' ', 'AFP', ], [ [['xxxxxxxxxxxx', 11]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '500', ' ', 'AP', ] ]

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Obamacare at Supreme Court: Healthcare Stocks ... - Investing Daily

Healthcare stocks ? as measured by the Health Care Select Sector SPDR (NYSE: XLV) ? have struggled during the first quarter of 2012, rising only 8.2% which trails the S&P 500?s 12.2% gain by almost one-third. Concerns over pharmaceutical patent cliffs and the upcoming U.S. Supreme Court ruling on the constitutionality of Obamacare have weighed on healthcare stocks. In fact, healthcare has been the third-worst-performing industry sector out of the nine sector SPDRs:

Year-to Date Return

Industry Sector

Dec. 30, 2011 to Mar. 29, 2012 Total Return

Financials (NYSE: XLF)


Technology (NYSE: XLK)


Consumer Discretionary (NYSE: XLY)




Industrials (NYSE: XLI)


Materials (NYSE: XLB)


Healthcare (NYSE: XLV)


Consumer Staples (NYSE: XLP)


Energy (NYSE: XLE)


Utilities (NYSE: XLU)


Source: Bloomberg

Healthcare Stocks Outperform This Week

This past week, however, guess which sector SPDR was the best-performing? Health care, and by a HUGE margin of more than twice the return of the second-place finisher:

This Week?s Return

Industry Sector

Mar. 23 to Mar. 29 Total Return

Healthcare (NYSE: XLV)


Technology (NYSE: XLK)


Utilities (NYSE: XLU)


Consumer Discretionary (NYSE: XLY)




Consumer Staples (NYSE: XLP)


Industrials (NYSE: XLI)


Financials (NYSE: XLF)


Materials (NYSE: XLB)


Energy (NYSE: XLE)


Source: Bloomberg

Obamacare is Unconstitutional

Why the sudden reversal of fortune in healthcare stocks? The answer lies with the U.S. Supreme Court, which held oral arguments this week in the Obamacare case. There are two major constitutional issues under review:

  1. Individual mandate requiring every U.S. citizen to buy health insurance
  2. Severability of Obamacare if individual mandate provision is struck down

Forcing the uninsured to buy insurance would be the first time in U.S. history that a U.S. citizen would be penalized for ?inactivity? ? refusing to buy something they didn?t want. Proponents of the mandate often trot out the regulatory requirement to buy auto insurance, but only people who drive a car are required to buy such insurance; drivers have taken an affirmative action to enter the car market and hence subject themselves to regulation. In contrast, people forced to buy health insurance have done nothing at all except be alive.

Consequently, the individual mandate is a gross abuse of the U.S. Constitution?s Article 1, Section 8, Clause 3 ?Commerce Clause,? which strictly limits federal regulation to commerce ?among the several states.? Ever since Congress passed the McCarran-Ferguson Act in 1945, insurance has always been regulated by the states, not the federal government.

The Supreme Court Will Likely Strike Down Obamacare

Observers of the oral argument have uniformly stated that a majority of Supreme Court justices appeared critical of the individual mandate provision and challenged the government lawyer defending the law much more harshly than they did the arguments of the contesting plaintiff lawyer. Justice Kennedy ? commonly known as the 5-4 ?swing vote? on the bench ? asked the following question of Obama?s lawyer on pages 11-12 of the transcript:

This is unprecedented, this is a step beyond what our cases have allowed, the affirmative duty to act, to go into commerce. If that is so, do you not have a heavy burden of justification?

You are changing the relation of the individual to the government in a unique way. The reason this is concerning is because it requires the individual to do an affirmative act. In the law of torts, our tradition, our law has been that you don?t have the duty to rescue someone if that person is in danger. The blind man is walking in front of a car and you do not have a duty to stop him, absent some relation between you.

Based on academic research, the Supreme Court has historically been much more likely to rule against the side it asks more questions of during oral arguments. A ?state of the art? model based on oral-argument language and tone predicts that the Supreme Court will declare the individual mandate unconstitutional by a slim 5-4 margin.

Obamacare is highly unpopular with the American people. In a recent poll, 75 percent of Americans wanted the Supreme Court to strike it down.? Ironically, even Obama opposed an individual mandate during the 2008 presidential campaign before doing a 180-degree flip-flop once he was elected president. On the other hand, the public overwhelmingly supports barring insurance companies from denying health coverage based on a pre-existing condition by an 85-15 margin.

Pre-Existing Condition Protection Doesn?t Work Without Individual Mandate

The problem is that you can?t have one without the other without destroying the profitability of insurance companies. Absent an individual mandate, the result will be ?adverse selection,? whereby healthy people will opt out of the insurance program while sick people will enroll. A profitable insurance market is based on uncertainty where more people pay into the system than is paid out in claims.? If the only people who enroll are those who are certain to make reimbursement claims based on pre-existing conditions, insurers will end up losing money because the government-regulated insurance premiums won?t be sufficient to cover all of the claims. In their 11th-Circuit Court of Appeals brief (page 30), Obama?s own lawyers have cited Princeton University professor Uwe Reinhardt for the proposition that:

It is well known that guaranteed issue coupled with voluntary insurance tend to lead to a death spiral of individual insurance.

For this reason, the Obama administration has argued that requiring insurance companies to accept pre-existing conditions should not survive if the individual mandate is struck down.

Obamacare Will Be Upheld or Struck Down in Its Entirety ? No Severability

On the third day of oral argument, the issue of severability was debated and my reading of the transcript leads me to believe that many of the justices believe that Obamacare must be struck down in its entirety if the individual mandate is struck down. For example, on page 41 of the transcript Justice Alito asked the best question:

Insurance reforms impose 10-year costs of roughly $700 billion on the insurance industry, and that these costs are supposed to be offset by about 350 billion in new revenue from the individual mandate and 350 billion from the Medicaid expansion. Now if the 350 billion from the individual mandate were to be lost, what would happen to the insurance industry, which would now be in the hole for $350 billion over 10 years?

In Healthcare Reform: the $700 billion Lie, I argued that the cost of Obamacare will be much greater than advertised, but even taking that understated number at face value greatly concerned swing vote Justice Kennedy, who exhibited sympathy for Alito?s question. Kennedy asked a follow-up question on pages 42-43 of the transcript:

I still don?t understand where you are with the answer to Justice Alito?s question. Assume that there is a substantial probability that the 700 billion is going to be cut in half if the individual mandate is stricken. Assume there is a significant possibility of that. Is it within the proper exercise of this Court?s function to impose that kind of risk [on the insurance industry]? Can we say that the Congress would have intended that there be that kind of risk?

I think the reason healthcare stocks have rallied so strongly this week is because investors have concluded that the entire Obamacare monstrosity is going to be struck down ? not just the individual mandate, but also the requirement to enroll people with pre-existing conditions, the expansion of Medicaid, and the medical loss ratio minimums that limit insurance company profits to 20% of insurance premiums collected.

Healthcare Stocks Look Like a Buy

Bottom line: healthcare insurers were going to do fine under Obamacare because the individual mandate and Medicaid expansion requirements promised to greatly increase industry revenues and counteract the pre-existing condition and medical loss ratio cost burdens. Similarly, healthcare insurers will do fine if Obamacare is struck down because free markets allow companies to generate profits unrestricted.

The only scenario where healthcare insurers were going to be hurt badly was if the individual mandate was struck down but the pre-existing condition and medical loss ratio provisions remained (i.e., severability). Since severability is almost certainly off the table given what transpired this week during the U.S. Supreme Court?s oral argument, investors have a ?green light? to invest in healthcare stocks regardless of whether Obamacare is upheld in its entirety or struck down in its entirety.

?All or nothing? ? the key to healthcare profitability ? appears assured.


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Building Permits Rising | Real Estate in Chantilly

Building Permits

Chantilly area home buyers looking at possible new home construction should know that national stats indicate rising building permits.? And in my own travels locally, I do see more new construction activity.

It would appear that the new construction housing market is ready for growth this season.

According to the Census Bureau, the number of single-family building permits issued in February rose to 472,000 on a seasonally-adjusted, annual basis, marking the highest building permit tally since April 2010 ? the last month of that year?s federal home buyer tax credit program.

Building permits indicate future new home construction.

In 2011, from the date of permit-issuance to the date of ?ground-breaking?, an average of 27 calendar days passed. February?s data, therefore, is a signal that the market for newly-built homes should be strong this year.? Recent homebuilder confidence survey data supports this as well.

As buyer foot traffic climbs, homebuilders expect to make more sales in the next 6 months than at any time since the housing market?s crashed. Builder confidence is at a 5-year high.

Of course, progress is not straight up.? Last month single-family housing starts slipped.

As compared to January, February?s single-family housing starts fell by 50,000 units on a seasonally-adjusted, annualized basis. The 10% drop represents the largest one-month drop since February 2011. It?s a statistic that may suggest that this year?s results are simply seasonal.

But buyers should be aware that the good news has another side.

Rising permits and builder confidence may mean that Northern Virginia area? homebuilders will be less willing to negotiate with today?s buyer on upgrades and/or home prices. However, as more new home supply is set to come online, excess housing stock could help keep home prices low.

All the more reason you need a real estate agent who is working on your behalf, as a Buyer Broker, when you are dealing with new construction.? If you are searching for an integrity based real estate professional to help you with the home buying or selling process, we invite you to take a few moments and watch our Testimonial Video which features honest commentary on how we serve our clients.? Let us know how we can help.? And if you are moving into the Northern Virginia area, we would love to be of assistance.

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Bankruptcy avoidance in debt settlement - Finance

Posted by publisher on March 31st, 2012

Debt Settlement bankruptcy is something those in designed international locations prefer Combined Declare of The United States are employed to because of the way these folks run their notes system. A worthwhile amount of these international locations possess the cashless business that has produced doing so possible for them to ride using credit or loans. And when there is problem in paying this settlement chapter 7 of consumer debt is initiated. Doing so is a type of arrangement in between a lender and a loan company over a period time that would call for something termed interest rate as a cash which is collected. Most producers are building a lot of income from doing so consumer debt settlement economic transaction which is equally helping those who must something from them. Each parties are helpful to doing so financial debt agreement company and have excellent points to discuss the process of the financial debt agreement. This breed of debt agreement is currently used in financial establishments in a lot aspect of the world.. And when there is a claim of incompetence of spending again to the lender from the creditor, debt agreement that may involve personal bankruptcy is involved.

Debt settlement is a which is making a change in the world of borrowing and for those who are in need of receiving debits settled. Doing so is a type of loans consumer debt agreement which is operated in US of The United States and other nations. When you are in these international locations but there is no notes on offer to generate the lifestyle better then you need doing so for the comfort. It is possible to pick loans according to the status and earning that is not mandated to be a problem to you in the course of payment. Financial debt settlement has become a solace for individuals who possess personal bankruptcy issues. Doing so is why many information about the consumer?s financial book is expected prior to finding loan.

Debt Settlement bbb is another word that you would see when you are about getting mortgage or loan in United States of America. At online, there is lots of information which would help one get the best information about debt settlement and its processes. And for those who are trying to make headway towards achieving success, it is imperative they avoid problems like debt settlement because it is easy to borrow to avoiding it. And when there is an issue about bankruptcy, debt settlement would be the option that would help one makes the best of the settlement with a problem. And it can help people achieve a good success. Try Credit Debt Settlement

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Friday, March 30, 2012

Scientists found hammerhead sharks have twin cousin

The newly found scalloped hammerhead shark faces similar existential threats as its look-alike fishy cousin.

Researchers recently discovered a new species of scalloped hammerhead shark, yet unnamed, that closely resembles its endangered look-alike.?

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The recent findings suggest that previous estimates of the number of hammerhead sharks was likely inflated since they had included the newfound species.? The reason for the late identification is explained by the roughly 20 fewer vertebrae the new species have and differences in their DNA.?

"It's a classic case of long-standing species misidentification that not only casts further uncertainty on the status of the real scalloped hammerhead, but also raises concerns about the population status of this new species," said Mahmood Shivji, professor at Nova Southeastern University, LiveScience reports.

The new species was originally detected in 2005 off the eastern coast of the United States, when Shivji?s research team was examining the DNA of sharks initially perceived to be hammerheads due to their physical characteristics.?

Genetic assessment shows that approximately 7 percent of the sharks detected in US waters originally thought to be scalloped hammerheads belong to the newly discovered species, as scientists from Nova Southern University and the University of South Carolina had confirmed.

Chronic overfishing and finning had resulted into the dramatic reduction of shark populations around the globe and growing concerns about the impact their eventual extinction might have to the ocean ecosystem.

"It's very important to officially recognize, name and learn more about this new hammerhead species and the condition of its populations through systematic surveys," Shivji said, according to the United Press International. "Without management intervention to curtail its inadvertent killing, we run the risk that overfishing could eradicate an entire shark species before its existence is even properly acknowledged."

Although finning is banned in the US, it is estimated that 73 million sharks are killed annually to support a booming international trade.? Shark finning is the process in which fishermen cut of their fins and sell them to mainly Asian markets where it constitutes the main ingredient in a traditional soup delicacy. It is a lucrative trade since these species are sold for about $120 for every 2.2 lbs.

Hammerheads are usually found in tropical and temperate waters along coastlines and continental shelves stretching from the Caribbean to Australia.

Their length ranges from roughly 13 to 20 feet long and weigh from 500 to 1000 pounds, according to National Geographic.?

Although the hammerhead is considered as harmless to humans, it is a keen hunter that uses its heavily serrated teeth to capture its prey, consisted of stingrays, squid, octopus, and other sharks.

Hammerhead sharks first appeared 20 million years ago and belong to the family of Sphyrnidae, named as such due to their strangely-shaped flattened heads with protruded eyeballs at each end, a trait that has made the species into one of the most recognizable fish in the world.?


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Frugal Family Tree: Attending In Store Decorating Seminars

We are currently working on redecorating our home. The Spring cleaning buzz has me wanting to re-arrange organize and buy some new items. For me one of the biggest challeneges is picking colors that I will want to see everyday. I am a commitment phobe when it comes to decorating.

Last week when we were shopping for furniture at RC Willey we read about a In Store Decorating Seminar about Color. I knew I wanted to attend this one. Spending money to decorate your home is a investment in your happiness, I wanted to make sure I was making good decisions. I enjoy looking at the room set ups on display on the showroom floor, its always great for ideas. We learned about color theory and many aspects of interior decorating. It was presented in a simple and understandable way. They did a great job.

When we arrived 10 minutes early to the Decorating Seminar we were surprised to see the huge line of people and an already filled room. Even the store employees were surprised by the turn out. They had to get more seating, more flyers and get out a microphone system. The event started much later than they had planned. My son was doing a great job trying to behave. He colored, had cookies and rolled around on the floor. Thankfully our seating was a nice plush couch! There were many families there with their kids. The man next to us had his little girl who was playing a hand held video game that my son was trying to get a peek at. Towards the end of the 1 hour seminar my son began to grab things and tried to drink out of a candle lol. But he did great and nothing was broken in the store.? RC Willey was nice enough to hand out $25 gift cards for everyone who attended and a giveaway of 5 $50 giftcards, I am sure thats why the crowd was so big.

My favorite thing we learned was about the 60-30-10 rule of decorating. They explained how its like a mans suit where there is 60% one color, the pants and dress coat, 30%? an accent color, the dress shirt, and 10% the accessories color, the tie. In relation to room decorating its the wall paint, the furniture color and the room accessories like lamps, vases, pillows. We had a fun time, learned some new stuff, found some color inspiration and will be going back later in the week to shop with our gift cards.


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Thursday, March 29, 2012

sachiparkeryx: - Education News Update Steps ...

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Raw and Vegan Hot Chocolate Recipe | Real Raw Health

Raw and Vegan Hot Chocolate Recipe | Real Raw Health ?

This recipe takes a bit of time, you can make it quicker by keeping prepared nut milk in the fridge and using cacao powder rather than nibs (although I much prefer the taste of the nibs).

What you?ll need (serves 2):

  • small handful of nuts (we like almond cashew or hazelnut)
  • 1 cup of filtered water

?????????? *This is to make the nut milk, alternatively you can just use a cup of nut milk you have on hand

  • 1 tsp vanilla
  • 4 tbsp raw cacao nibs OR 3 tbsp raw cacao powder
  • 2 tbsp honey (to taste)
  • 5-10 drop stevia (to taste)
  • 2 cups filtered water

What to do:

  • If you are using cacao nibs, you?ll have to grind them into a fine powder. We use a coffee bean grinder, but a regular ol? mortar and pestle would do the trick. Whatever you have on hand, but it has to be a very fine powder.
  • Mix the nuts and the water in your blender (skip this and the next step if you already have nut milk on hand).
  • Filter the nut milk in a nut milk bag. (If you skip this step, your drink will be grainy and not as enjoyable)
  • Pour the nut milk back into the blender.
  • Add the cacao powder, vanilla, honey and stevia. Blend on high.
  • Meanwhile, heat up the rest of your water in a kettle or on the stove. You can better control the temperature by doing it on the stove.
  • Pour your cacao mixture into two cups, they should be about 1/3 to 1/2 full. No more than 1/2 or you won?t get very warm chocolate. It might take once or twice before you get the measurement right for your cups.
  • Fill the cups with warm or hot water, whatever your preference. Remember you are mixing a room temperature liquid with the hot water, so it?s not going to be as hot as if you just boiled the kettle. The benefit is that it?s still nice and warm, and you don?t have to wait 5 minutes for it to cool off before you can drink it. And you are going to be drinking up all those delicious antioxidants while they are still useable.
  • Make sure to stir with a spoon before drinking.

If you just can?t seem to get the measurement right and are always coming out with not enough or too much cacao mixture before you add the hot water, try starting out by measuring your nut milk in the cups. Pour the right amount of nut milk into the cups, and only use this to make the cacao mix. It takes all the guesswork out of it.

Making your own hot chocolate is a truly fun experience! Good quality cacao nibs don?t taste horrible like the old cocoa powder that mom used to bake with either. Real cacao is still bitter, but in my opinion still has a distinctly alluring flavor. You can try lots of different variations on this recipe as well. We like to add a few drops of almond extract or a 1/2 tsp of cinnamon (I wouldn?t recommend both at once, but to each their own). Chocolate goes very well with spice, so try adding some chili or cayenne pepper. A few drops of mint extract is also delicious and reminds me a bit of the holidays.

What is your favorite thing to have in hot chocolate? Share it below!!

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Lohan done at morgue, 'extremely' excited

Toby Canham / Getty Images file

Lindsay Lohan leaves court after a probation hearing in Los Angeles on Feb. 22.

By Rebecca Macatee and Baker Machado, E! Online

Lindsay Lohan?is so close to being a free woman! Barring any last minute setbacks, the "Mean Girls" starlet is less than 24 hours away from being released from any formal probation for the first time in over four years.

"When she arrives in court tomorrow, she will have completed all of her obligations," the actress' rep, Steve Honig, tells E! News.

So what does this mean?

MORE: Lindsay Lohan Calls Car Bump Story "Complete Lie"

Lohan has completed her 14 days of morgue duty and her five therapy sessions which permanently stays her jail sentence of 150 days. If all goes according to plan, Judge Stephanie Sautner will end her 2007 DUI case and switch her to informal probation for her 2011 shoplifting?conviction.

"Our lawyers still need to review the probation report to determine whether or not to recommend that her probation be modified to informal probation," L.A. City Attorney's office spokesman Frank Mateljan tells us.

READ: Lindsay Lohan's a Redhead Again

Lohan will be on informal probation until May 2014, and to get off she must obey all laws and not get in any trouble for the next 2 1/2 years. The plus side of this? Unlike formal probation, informal probation won't require Lohan to report to a probation officer or a judge.

"After March 29, all you have to do is obey all laws, stay out of trouble and move on with your life," Judge Stephanie Sautner said during last month's hearing. "Good luck."

"Lindsay is not celebrating," her rep says. "But rather ending one chapter and starting the next. She is very eager to get back on set and dive into her next few projects."

Honig says the actress "has been a champ and she is very eager to put all of this behind her."

PHOTOS: Fashion Spotlight: Lindsay Lohan

After Thursday's final hearing -- which we'll be livestreaming on E! Online -- Lohan will prepare for her role in an upcoming episode of "Glee" before jetting off to Vancouver in May to start filming the Lifetime TV movie "Liz and Dick," in which she will play Elizabeth Taylor.

Honig says the actress is "extremely" excited to put all the legal drama behind her.

Michael Nelson / EPA


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Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Wayne State University researcher part of national effort to optimize antibiotics use

Wayne State University researcher part of national effort to optimize antibiotics use [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 27-Mar-2012
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Contact: Julie O'Connor
Wayne State University - Office of the Vice President for Research

DETROIT Because infectious microorganisms are becoming increasingly resistant to antibiotics, a Wayne State University researcher has joined a nationwide effort to monitor that resistance while optimizing the use of existing drugs.

Michael Rybak, Pharm.D., M.P.H., professor of pharmacy and medicine and director of the Anti-Infective Research Laboratory in the Eugene Applebaum College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, recently received $223,000 for six months from the Michigan Department of Community Health (MDCH) to create a mechanism to enable better stewardship of antimicrobials and reduce resistance to them.

In recent years pharmaceutical companies have produced fewer antibiotics, which are used to treat microbial infections. That is because they offer smaller returns on investment than drugs used to treat chronic diseases such as diabetes, arthritis or hypertension and because of the difficulty of getting new anti-infectives approved by the Food and Drug Administration. A decade ago, Rybak said, companies were producing up to 20 new antibiotics a year, but now are down to maybe one or two and in some years, none.

"We can't continue the way we are," he said. "We're going to get to the stage where there are patients with serious infections but no effective antibiotics to treat them. We are simply not keeping pace with the development of bacterial resistance to antibiotics."

To minimize the development of drug resistance, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recently made available a pool of money as part of the Affordable Care Act for which state health departments could apply; MDCH is among the first nationally to do receive such a grant.

Rybak's project, "Improving Hospital-based Antimicrobial Prescribing Towards Reducing Antimicrobial-Resistant Hospital-Acquired Infections," will involve working with medical support vendors to develop reporting software that can merge information with data already being collected by the National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN). The network enables health care providers to report epidemiology and infection data to the CDC.

Previously, researchers could look only at resistance patterns and compare them to hospital purchases of antimicrobials, but Rybak said such data yields only a rough estimate at best on how antibiotics are being prescribed.

"Just because somebody purchases drugs doesn't mean they're using them," he said.

Rybak's project is a surveillance attempt to determine how antibiotics are being prescribed. By allowing additions to the NHSN report, his grant will help researchers validate which patients receive a particular antibiotic in a specific unit in a given hospital.

The new module will derive data from bar coding systems in use at the Detroit Medical Center and the University of Michigan Health System and soon to be adopted by the Henry Ford and Beaumont health systems that document patient administration of antibiotics. It will enable researchers to trace resistance patterns to regions, states, cities and even hospital systems.

"This will vastly enhance our ability to discourage the development of antibiotic resistance," Rybak said. "Stewardship of antimicrobials including antibiotics means trying to steer the appropriate use of antimicrobials at the most optimized dose so resistance doesn't develop so quickly that we can't keep pace with it.

"We're not producing a lot of anti-infectives, so we really have to preserve the ones we have. Because unfortunately, antibiotic resistance continues to increase worldwide.

"Microbes are very quick and very smart, and they'll be here long after we're gone."


Wayne State University is one of the nation's pre-eminent public research universities in an urban setting. Through its multidisciplinary approach to research and education, and its ongoing collaboration with government, industry and other institutions, the university seeks to enhance economic growth and improve the quality of life in the city of Detroit, state of Michigan and throughout the world. For more information about research at Wayne State University, visit

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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.

Wayne State University researcher part of national effort to optimize antibiotics use [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 27-Mar-2012
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Contact: Julie O'Connor
Wayne State University - Office of the Vice President for Research

DETROIT Because infectious microorganisms are becoming increasingly resistant to antibiotics, a Wayne State University researcher has joined a nationwide effort to monitor that resistance while optimizing the use of existing drugs.

Michael Rybak, Pharm.D., M.P.H., professor of pharmacy and medicine and director of the Anti-Infective Research Laboratory in the Eugene Applebaum College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, recently received $223,000 for six months from the Michigan Department of Community Health (MDCH) to create a mechanism to enable better stewardship of antimicrobials and reduce resistance to them.

In recent years pharmaceutical companies have produced fewer antibiotics, which are used to treat microbial infections. That is because they offer smaller returns on investment than drugs used to treat chronic diseases such as diabetes, arthritis or hypertension and because of the difficulty of getting new anti-infectives approved by the Food and Drug Administration. A decade ago, Rybak said, companies were producing up to 20 new antibiotics a year, but now are down to maybe one or two and in some years, none.

"We can't continue the way we are," he said. "We're going to get to the stage where there are patients with serious infections but no effective antibiotics to treat them. We are simply not keeping pace with the development of bacterial resistance to antibiotics."

To minimize the development of drug resistance, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recently made available a pool of money as part of the Affordable Care Act for which state health departments could apply; MDCH is among the first nationally to do receive such a grant.

Rybak's project, "Improving Hospital-based Antimicrobial Prescribing Towards Reducing Antimicrobial-Resistant Hospital-Acquired Infections," will involve working with medical support vendors to develop reporting software that can merge information with data already being collected by the National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN). The network enables health care providers to report epidemiology and infection data to the CDC.

Previously, researchers could look only at resistance patterns and compare them to hospital purchases of antimicrobials, but Rybak said such data yields only a rough estimate at best on how antibiotics are being prescribed.

"Just because somebody purchases drugs doesn't mean they're using them," he said.

Rybak's project is a surveillance attempt to determine how antibiotics are being prescribed. By allowing additions to the NHSN report, his grant will help researchers validate which patients receive a particular antibiotic in a specific unit in a given hospital.

The new module will derive data from bar coding systems in use at the Detroit Medical Center and the University of Michigan Health System and soon to be adopted by the Henry Ford and Beaumont health systems that document patient administration of antibiotics. It will enable researchers to trace resistance patterns to regions, states, cities and even hospital systems.

"This will vastly enhance our ability to discourage the development of antibiotic resistance," Rybak said. "Stewardship of antimicrobials including antibiotics means trying to steer the appropriate use of antimicrobials at the most optimized dose so resistance doesn't develop so quickly that we can't keep pace with it.

"We're not producing a lot of anti-infectives, so we really have to preserve the ones we have. Because unfortunately, antibiotic resistance continues to increase worldwide.

"Microbes are very quick and very smart, and they'll be here long after we're gone."


Wayne State University is one of the nation's pre-eminent public research universities in an urban setting. Through its multidisciplinary approach to research and education, and its ongoing collaboration with government, industry and other institutions, the university seeks to enhance economic growth and improve the quality of life in the city of Detroit, state of Michigan and throughout the world. For more information about research at Wayne State University, visit

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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.


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