Friday, December 28, 2012


Looking to see if anyone is interested in a OnexOne roleplay set into the future. I'm looking for someone who is creative enough to keep the RP alive and is a more advanced writer. Looking for a female character.

Here's a short little overview:

New Tokyo, Japan || Year 2113

Throughout the years Japan has managed to brutally shape itself into the country it is today, its history littered with blood, tears, and deceptions that lay buried underneath the rubble of old cities, old lives, and even older traditions. Technology advances and the people along with it, governments fall and new powers take over. Humans are constantly in motion, adapting without realizing they?ve lost the control over their own lives. Japan was no different than the rest. It wasn?t until after the third great war of 2062 that Japan came cracking down on its citizens, empowering police forces with more power than was deserved- power that easily corrupted and took over. Things changed, more laws were passed and the power to the people became almost nonexistent. A.W.O [Armortech Warfare Organization] was the economic powerhouse that fixed Japan from its slump after the war. A.W.O became law. And with new laws, came law breakers.

The first anti-A.W.O group was known as The Resistance. In the beginning they had been made up of a small group of maybe 30 individuals who were infamous for their violent acts of protests, which often included flooding the streets with riots, vandalism, and other small scale crimes that A.W.O took with a grain of salt. The Resistance was nothing but a band of thugs at first, they were careless, stupid, and nothing that A.W.O officers couldn't handle. The Resistance and its members had slowly begun to get picked off one by one, A.W.O was written all over the 'mysterious' deaths. They would have been completely wiped out if it wasn't for their sudden change in leadership. Akito Higurashi, Codename: Ocean. The rumors were that he had transferred from The Underground, an elite group that was so low profile that it was almost a myth.

In a matter of months, Ocean became one of the most infamous names known to A.W.O - It was no suprise that all information on him was hidden from the public and stored away in a document labled 'Top Secret'. He became the most wanted man in all of Japan, but nobody knew who he was.

Not yet.

So basically, the plot of the entire story will be that Ocean will be captured and held in an A.W.O holding facility until further questioning. Prior to his capture, an A.W.O special operative will be diagnosed with a disease that has a 80% rate of being fatal and killing the patient within months of being diagnosed.This special operative will then kind of go over the deep end and eventually let Ocean free as long as he promises to take her with him because she wants to live the rest of her life breaking the rules since she has always been one to follow them. Then their adventure begins and they go through all sorts of crazy obstacles and most likely will turn into a romance.

Here is another overview of the events that took place before Ocean's capture:

Ocean (My Character)

Neon signs flickered on and off in a struggle to stay alive, their dim light being the only source of illumination in the dilapidated and dark alley way. An overcast of thick fog hung over the tops of the nearly abandoned buildings, the smoke seeming to crawl down the sides of the old apartments and motels, until it touched the streets where it lingered like a ghost. In an almost dead part of town, four armor clad shadows stood near the outskirts of an apartment, so still that they could have be mistaken for statues if it weren?t for the faint rise and fall of their chests and the shift of lids over eyes that scanned every crack and crevice on the building in front of them.

They were waiting, waiting for a sign that what they have been looking for was in that building, waiting for a movement- a pulse. White noise changed to static in the headphones they all wore before a voice broke through, alerting them to the task at hand.

?He?s there.?

Not one hesitated as they sprung into action, years of training making them the fastest and the most battle ready. Feet shuffled and the sound of metal armor scraping against itself could be heard against the silence of the night, no doubt alerting the target inside. The head of command laid one swift kick to the apartment door, the hinges giving way at the powerful blow. They stormed in with a fury, weapons in hand and locked on the target that sat smirking almost idly on a ripped and torn couch at the corner of the room.

Weapons clicked into place. ?Target 5470D, confirmed.?

The A.W.O Operative (Female Character)

There was barely a sound in the polished office, save for the ocasional click of a pen and the rustling of paperwork. The restless silence hung down like lead, but it was soon interrupted by quick steps in the hallway just outside, and a young woman pushing through the heavy oak doors into the large room. Dressed in regulation military fatigues for respite, a faint blue light glowed through her white tank top all along her spine.

"First Lieutenant _____." she saluted briefly, "You wanted to see me, Major General, sir?"

"At ease." the man at the desk rolled his eyes at the feigned politeness, remaining slouched in his desk chair, staring over at the young woman pensively, "They're making you Captain, kiddo," he finally stated, "That stunt you pulled, managing to find Ocean, impressed them to the shits."

"I didn't do anything," the young woman grumbled, shoving her hands into the pockets of her cameo pockets and shrugging her shoulders absently, "Bain's unit captured him."

The General snorted, "Bain couldn't find his hand at the end of his arm, let alone a needle in a haystack."

The young woman shrugged again, earning herself a glare from the older man, "Look, kid, point is, you're going to shut up, get over your issues, work with a team, and for god's sake, you'll try to smile when they hand you your new insignia."

A twitch appeared at the corner of the newly appointed Captain's mouth, and her lips curled into a semblance of a grin, looking more like she was baring her teeth than anything else.

"Is that all, sir?" she huffed.

"Yea," the General sighed, "Well, no. Your doc's here."

The young woman narrowed her eyes, but did not protest (verbally anyway) and merely watched with undisguised hostility as a man in a white lab coat joined them in the office.

It really was too bad, she briefly thought, as she might have liked the man, if he didn't have the nasty habit of sticking sharp objects into her automail of a spinal chord with alarming frequency.

"I'm not due for a fitting for another two weeks," she stated suspiciously.
The two men shared uncomfortable glances, and the doctor finally broke the newfound silence, clearing his throat and gesturing for the young woman to have a seat. She shook her head, causing a grimace to stretch the young doctor's lips.

"Well, you see miss..." he began, interrupted at once by a lifted palm, "/Captain/," the girl rectified with a raised eyebrow, daring him to continue.

"Very well, Captain, I've had time to look over your scans from last week, and I'm afraid I have some bad news..."

The rest of the speech seemed drowned out by the blood rushing through the Captain's ears. She heard words like fatal, terminal, organ failure, but they meant nothing to her. Death? Was this rat of a man was rambling on about now? She was going to die? Well, of course, she had always expected to die. But certainly not now. Certainly not like this. Certainly not slowly and agonizingly for no good cause at all.

Through the haze, she caught on the gist of the problem: the surgery from two years prior had been an innovation. She had been lucky enough to get out of it on her own two feet. Her spinal chord had been so badly damaged, that the surgeons had been forced to either give up, or attempt a graft.

She had been given the spinal chord of a dead comrade, to replace the nerves endings crushed beneath the broken bones. A series of automail pieces running on isotopic technology had served as replacement for the bone themselves.

And now, it appeared that the graft was taking over her own nervous system. It certainly explained the so-called 'antibiotics' she had been forced to ingest daily. Those, she now learned, had held back the graft's progress, but her body and its foreign object had both grown accustomed and impervious to them, building a high tolerance for the now-useless medicine.

The graft would slowly gain control over her entire body, and, combined with an unaccesible (and therefore unrepairable) leak in her automail, she was guaranteed a drawn-out and painful death, poisoned by the very thing that had saved her life.

Well, drawn out was relative. Three months, the doctor said. A few more if she came to the hospital with them. A few less if she stubbornly continued to out-do herself. They could make it painless for her, they said. Medication and painkillers and a soft bed. No more work. She was promoted. She could enjoy the raise, yelling at new recruits and generally taking things easy.

It all felt a bit too much like pity to her. Painless? Sit behind a desk? The young women clenched her fists as she nodded blindly, no longer listening. Screw that. She was going down with a fight, on the field, out there, doing... doing something, though she didn't quite know what.

She'd figure it out.

She had three months.

So yeah! If you are interested please let me know.
Also, I'm really new to this site so I am still getting used to how everything works.


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